Sick puffer. Please help!


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Good evening. Let me get right to it. I have a Blue Spotted Puffer who has been in my tank for about six months now; she lives with a Saddle Clown (8 months) and a Dog Face Puffer (about a year). All of the fish get along just fine & actually sleep in the same cave together at night. Last night, my spotted puffer was eating just fine (they eat shrimp, krill, clams, squid, and mysis). This evening, her colors are vibrant as always and her eyes are clear however, she is getting tossed around the tank from the current and cannot swim properly; she's breathing very fast too. I see no signs of parasites but for safe measure, I removed her from the tank (keeping her submerged) and did a 10 minute dip in a paraguard bath. Before returning to the main tank, I attempted to burp her (she looked to be a little bloated) - I did not notice an air escape though. I don't know what else to do and she does not seem to be any better after 'burping' and medicating. Also, she keeps going to the top of the tank like there is not enough air for her - the other fish are acting entirely normal.

Water params:

Salinity: 1.026
Temp: 78
Amm: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: .5 (the other fish are fine, so I'm not convinced this is the problem)
PH: 8.6

I'm really attached to my puffers and would greatly appreciate any advice!

Edit: **The tank has been running for nearly 2 years now.
i know how u feel about being attached to puffers.. they have the absolute best personalities of any other fish IMO. I really hope someone can help you out. Good luck.
UmbrellaCorp;699054 wrote: i know how u feel about being attached to puffers.. they have the absolute best personalities of any other fish IMO. I really hope someone can help you out. Good luck.

Agreed. I just transferred my GSPuffer due to a particularly worrisome wrasse in my 130. Of all the interesting animals we have our favorite is a 2 dollar puffer from Walmart. Prayers for the Puffer.