Silly chromis!

ms_ k

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I was observing my tank last night (in the name of science, of course), and I noticed that my lonely little green chromis has started trying to school with my false perc mated pair. It makes sense I suppose. They're both damsel species and the perc pair are the only two fish in the tank that kind of swim together. It was very amusing to watch, and I was wondering if anyone else had noticed this before in any of their solo chromies.
My 4 Percula ( 1 True & 3 False) school with my 4 Chromis. It's pretty funny that they think the blend in with the Chromis.
my scribble schools with my purple and yellow tang and sometimes with my clowns
I have 5 baby tangs that love to school with my big papa foxface. They all follow him like little goslings! The Tomini tang looks a little left out at this though...