So I have more fish questions....


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Well, I am looking for a uniquely shaped rock, dry of course, and some dry small boulder types, anyway, I have looking to add a fish, I thought about a Chalk Bass and a Royal Gramma, are these two compatible?

Also, when should I add them? Last, now, when? I'm also thinking about a yellow headed jawfish. What do you all think? Canary Blenny? Anything that you would add?

Yea, decisions, very hard to make. Thought about a coral beauty but I am not sure when I should add it. or if I really want one. oh well, some others need to hurry up and chime in.
I love my jawfish. They need a sand bed because they burrow. They also need a tight lid because they are jumpers. They have more personality than most people I know. :)

I have heard that both the chalk bass and royal gramma can become aggressive. I don't have any personal experience with either of them though.
Thanks stace. yeah i am working on getting a nice tight fitting lid. just can do it myself as I am sorta out of commission on my left hand.

One of these days I will come see your tank. May be one day mine will be on the tour of tanks. that would be cool.

Yup, I have about 3-4" of sand and was told that I could get away with that much. I like the DSB look so I don't mind it at all. :)

Do you have any recommendations on what I should add right now?
i've seen the jawfish and they are very cool. alot of personality...jessezm has some killer rock! he still has a bunch and i could bring it up tomorrow with me to the meet if you have a gas money or a frag or 2 for my trouble...