So the project begins!


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Fi9aly! My new 75:yay: BUT! going to move at the end of feb. My girl wont let me set it up until we move :yawn: . Yeah... we will see...:lol2:
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oh yeah Tony whats that weird thing under my name and picture? Is that supposed to be there lol:lol2:
LOL... about time fool!!!!
Talk looks great, I can't believe you cleaned it up so fast!
Nice tank there. I would advice you to get it drill.

You do not want to use an hangon everflow. It only keep a little, but a drill tank will be MUCH much more help.
WOLFIE wrote: Nice tank there. I would advice you to get it drill.

You do not want to use an hangon everflow. It only keep a little, but a drill tank will be MUCH much more help.

There is a slight problem with that... there is this sticker on the bottom that says "tempered glass" lol Im thinking the back can be drilled but i dont want to chance it. Its going to have to be an overflow, unless someone has a better idea?! And dont say buy a new tank lol!:D
tsciarini wrote: LOL... about time fool!!!!
Talk looks great, I can't believe you cleaned it up so fast!

Yeah you know me, my girl said cant set it up till we move. YEAH RIGHT!!!
You don't drill through the bottom, it will crack... you drill through the back. Typically, the only tempered glass on the tank is on the bottom... :welcome:to the club.
thanks Kev...So who wants to tell me where to get it drilled. What happens if the crack it trying to drill it?! Is that common?
ares wrote: if the bottom is marked tempered, thats probably all thats tempered. mine was that way.

So did you have your tank drilled after you bought it? If so where on the back should i do it? and who did it for you?
Some fish stores do it (Cappuccin Bay), but Idon't know if they guarantee it from cracking or anytying.
kj_yoda wrote: Some fish stores do it (Cappuccin Bay), but Idon't know if they guarantee it from cracking or anytying.

There is no point in doing it then. I would hate to replace a tank because i was too stubborn to get a overflow box lol. thanks kevin
Oh yeah... It may not be this particular thread because im in the process of getting into a house and out of this 3 floor apartment. So, i think it will suck to set it up and then break it down in jan or feb. BUT!!! it's so calling my name while i sleep and i don't have any plans this weekend;)

:fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:
glxtrix wrote: your chick is going to kill you! lol.

She will run me through the car wash nude and backwards but it will be worth it:fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:
I had Nemo Fish store drill my 75GL tank and the bottom of my tank also marked tempered. I think a drill tank would make a reefer life easyer, but then it your tank and so it your call.

I use to have a 55GL no drill tankl and have to use an overflow. I HATED it then and still hated it now.
WOLFIE wrote: I had Nemo Fish store drill my 75GL tank and the bottom of my tank also marked tempered. I think a drill tank would make a reefer life easyer, but then it your tank and so it your call.

I use to have a 55GL no drill tankl and have to use an overflow. I HATED it then and still hated it now.

Okay I need someone to explain the difference in a drilled tank and a over flow tank. remember im a noob so detail would be AWESOME! Does it really make a difference on the water quality? and is it just because an overflow is hard to keep clean? any infor on drilled vs non-drilled would be great thanks everyone~!!!:D
I think he is talking about a HOB overflow. Congrats on the new tank! A fellow 75er!