So the project begins!

Sprayin70 wrote: I think he is talking about a HOB overflow. Congrats on the new tank! A fellow 75er!

naw im talkin about a overflow to sump vs. a drilled to sump. But i found out why everyone hates overflow's is because they are inconsistant. and sometimes over flow on the floor lol... Sprayin i cant wait to start a cycles on this thing! got pics of yours?

That is my blog the 75 starts on like page two I think. It is in it's 3rd week cycle. Enjoy!!!!!!!!
Sprayin70 wrote: Yes"></a>

That is my blog the 75 starts on like page two I think. It is in it's 3rd week cycle. Enjoy!!!!!!!![/QUOTE]

Awesome, I live in Townelake i'll have to come by and get some ideas from your setup, because I have ummmm.... NO IDEA about anything outside of the tank~:jester:
If I can help I will. I just kinda read and jumped in. I asked a few questions then started planning my set up. I am very proud of my tank. The best part is, that I did 95 percent of the work my self. I am still adding stuff every few weeks. I think of new things that would help me then I research them and just do it. Good luck.

PS Lots and Lots of reading!!!
Sprayin is right. I've been reading daily since I entered this hobby in June 2005. If I have questions about something, I ask other hobbyists and search past post to find answers. It's helped out tremendously. The bad thing about reading is that you find so many things that you can improve on or change that you never settle on your current tank setup.
I bugged Tony the most. He was patient and I listened. Then I went to work once I had answers. One day we can meet at Tony's and go on our own tour of tanks. LOL
Showtime305 wrote: Sprayin is right. I've been reading daily since I entered this hobby in June 2005. If I have questions about something, I ask other hobbyists and search past post to find answers. It's helped out tremendously. The bad thing about reading is that you find so many things that you can improve on or change that you never settle on your current tank setup.

Is there a book out there explaining the stuff outside of the aquarium?
Okay I probably already know the answer but here it goes anyways. I bought the tank used from someone and the bottom says tempered glass do not drill. The side could have had sticker too when he bought it new I dont know. He used it as a fresh water tank, no saltwater experience. Should I have this tank drilled? Yes or no... I'll take the ARC advice on this one.:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
Showtime305 wrote: The bad thing about reading is that you find so many things that you can improve on or change that you never settle on your current tank setup.

That's all the fun! Plus you learn so much more if you try new things.
HOB overflow vs. drill tank.

HOB overflow use siphon to get the water out of the main tank into the sump.
This could lead to a few problems.
1) If the siphon stops then you will have to restart it yourself.
2) There a chance that your tank will be over spill if the siphon stops also your return pump could overheat cause there no more water in the sump.
HOB overflow are very under rated if it said rated 700GPH then it could only take in like maybe 300 GPH max.
Drill tank use gravity feed so no mess and no worry about over spill.

These are all I could think of right now, but I am sure there are more to it also.
I would say if you are a risk taker then have it drilled. If not then you could use a HOB Overflow. Or if you don't mind the noise you could drill the back for a drain and go over the top for the return. Find out who makes it and email them. they will tell you if the side is tempered.
Sprayin70 wrote: :new:
tsciarini wrote: :welcome:
Sprayin70 wrote: :stupid:
tsciarini wrote: :noob:
Sprayin70 wrote: (looking at Tony's tanks):like:
tsciarini wrote: :thanks:
Sprayin70 wrote: :help:
tsciarini wrote: :wish:
Sprayin70 wrote: :aww:
tsciarini wrote: :jk:
Sprayin70 wrote: :yessign:
tsciarini wrote: :fish::fish::fish::fish:
Sprayin70 wrote: :whut: :huhsign: :d'oh: :huhsign: :whut: :confused: :sorry: :master:
tsciarini wrote: :bash: :slap: :bash2: :yikes::ahh: :doh: :grrr: :mad3:
Sprayin70 wrote: :master: :master: :master::master::master::master:
tsciarini wrote: :wow: :goodjob:
Sprayin70 wrote: :love:

:lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2:
<p style="text-align:left;">Okay its a ProAquatics, <span style="font-family: Arial;">ProAquatics caters to Professional Zoological and Aquarium Facilities. I can't even access their website because I'm not a zoologist. lol</span>
<span style="font-family: Arial;"></span>
<span style="font-family: Arial;">This is all i know about them... ProAquatics goal is to provide a one stop resource for the supplies and ... Pro Aquatics carries only the highest quality products at prices to help even small aquatic facilities.</span>
<span style="font-family: Arial;"><span style="color: #008000;">