some people..

UmbrellaCorp;676384 wrote: thank you.


i was wondering the same.. but didnt want to say anything. i guess the pi** word?


also when i had an octo years ago, i would never feed it anything living. i just went to the supermarket and bought frozen shrimp. thawed them out and the octo was perfectly happy with that. i didnt mean to start a negative debate, i just dont think its right to put a living creature in a small environment that it has no chance of escaping, living out the rest of its life being scared to death and chased until eventually it is caught. That octo wont give up. Eventually it will win.
Not possible. It is just a difference of opinion that's all .:)

I do wonder how differently it would have been taken if a less expensive shrimp had been used:unsure:
grouper therapy;676544 wrote: Where do you work??:eek::eek::lol2::lol2::lol2:

LMAO nice.. totally didnt expect that response. Though i didnt put them there. I just babysit. :p

grouper therapy;676546 wrote: Not possible. It is just a difference of opinion that's all .:)

I do wonder how differently it would have been taken if a less expensive shrimp had been used:unsure:

and yes i have to be honest, i do admit that cleaner shrimps are my favorite invert of all time. So i guess that does make a difference.
grouper therapy;676546 wrote: I do wonder how differently it would have been taken if a less expensive shrimp had been used:unsure:

Was wondering the same thing myself. Not knowing the guys situation, it seems odd for me to understand why he would feed a $40 shrimp, but that is my only questionmark here. If it were a cheap shrimp, that more use as feeder critters, would this be viewed as bad? Live silversides have just as much of a "soul" as a prized show fish...

As far as intent goes, I think it is a reach to deem intent as a qualifier for getting mad at this guy. ANYONE who owns a mantis shrimp is mildly entertained when it hunts and kills...

Queue circle of life music...
Amberjack;676600 wrote: There's no problem, just a reminder. We have kids on here as young as 9 and we lead by example. </em>

I'm sure your vocabulary is wide enough that you can come up with another phrase.</em>

And most of those kids probably know what LMAO means, but nobody ever says anything about that! :up:
Not sure what all the complaining is about... He never got the shrimp in the video! I'm sure he's still chasing him to this very day LOL
Cjsparky;676606 wrote:

As far as intent goes, I think it is a reach to deem intent as a qualifier for getting mad at this guy. ANYONE who owns a mantis shrimp is mildly entertained when it hunts and kills...

Queue circle of life music...

So I guess dog fighting is just fine with everyone who thinks this is ok. It is a natural event which is confined and manipulated for entertainment. I see it as no different.
jmaneyapanda;676730 wrote: So I guess dog fighting is just fine with everyone who thinks this is ok. It is a natural event which is confined and manipulated for entertainment. I see it as no different.
So you have seen wild pit bulls fighting to the death in the wild and then consume the loser ok.
grouper therapy;676749 wrote: So you have seen wild pit bulls fighting to the death in the wild and then consume the loser ok.

I have indeed seen wild CANINES fighting. Quite viciously. Exactly as canines fight in dog fighting rings.

Who said anything about consuming the loser?
jmaneyapanda;67 Exactly as canines fight in dog fighting rings. Who said anything about consuming the loser?[/QUOTE said:
To the death? I'm pretty sure the octopus"s INTENT was to consume the shrimp. I.m pretty sure the shrimp and octopus were fighting over a carcass or mating rights either.
Were you fishing with live night crawlers when you witnessed this canine death match?
grouper therapy;676806 wrote: To the death? I'm pretty sure the octopus"s INTENT was to consume the shrimp. I.m pretty sure the shrimp and octopus were fighting over a carcass or mating rights either.
Were you fishing with live night crawlers when you witnessed this canine death match?

Ha! If I didn't know you were just trying to be purposefully combatative, I might be annoyed.

Yes, Dave, I have seen wild canines fight until one succumbs from injuries. And, no, it was not while fishing while using any sort of bait.

And, purposeful misdirection aside, you are missing the point. I am not arguing any wild animals intent. I am discussing the intent of the human who purposefully put the animals in confined quarters with the intention of amusement and enjoyment through their injury and/or death. If he were merely feeding his octopus, there would be no video with no music with no acrylic rod forcing the "action". The entire purpose and INTENT of the filmmaker was for amusement and attempted comedy.
jmaneyapanda;676817 wrote: Ha! If I didn't know you were just trying to be purposefully combatative, I might be annoyed.

Yes, Dave, I have seen wild canines fight until one succumbs from injuries. And, no, it was not while fishing while using any sort of bait.

And, purposeful misdirection aside, you are missing the point. I am not arguing any wild animals intent. I am discussing the intent of the human who purposefully put the animals in confined quarters with the intention of amusement and enjoyment through their injury and/or death. If he were merely feeding his octopus, there would be no video with no music with no acrylic rod forcing the "action". The entire purpose and INTENT of the filmmaker was for amusement and attempted comedy.

I am taking this now even further ad absurdum:

So eating a steak and enjoying it is bad?

After all it is not just feeding me, I am actively enjoying gnawing on the bones...

Where I am trying to go, the feeding of humans and animals is neccessary, and adding an entertainment factor to it is, well - human nature.

I am distancing myself however from any unneeded cruelness - but here the mandatory process of feeding an animal with another was just taped, not staged ONLY for the amusement of the audience.

Fine lines, I know...
LilRobb;676819 wrote: I am taking this now even further ad absurdum:

So eating a steak and enjoying it is bad?

After all it is not just feeding me, I am actively enjoying gnawing on the bones...

Where I am trying to go, the feeding of humans and animals is neccessary, and adding an entertainment factor to it is, well - human nature.

I am distancing myself however from any unneeded cruelness - but here the mandatory process of feeding an animal with another was just taped, not staged ONLY for the amusement of the audience.

Fine lines, I know...

Eating a steak does not equate to killing a cow. If you did post a video with music of you slaughtering cows, with a smile on your face, obviously enjoying it, then, in my opinion-yes, you are "bad". It happens, for legitimate reasons. But glamorizing and trivializing the action is crass and objectionable. To me, at least.
jmaneyapanda;676827 wrote: Eating a steak does not equate to killing a cow. If you did post a video with music of you slaughtering cows, with a smile on your face, obviously enjoying it, then, in my opinion-yes, you are "bad". It happens, for legitimate reasons. But glamorizing and trivializing the action is crass and objectionable. To me, at least.

Point taken,
However if my job would be slaughterer at a meat processing company, it would be distasteful - but still, I just taped what is happening anyway.
jmaneyapanda;676817 wrote: Ha! If I didn't know you were just trying to be purposefully combatative, I might be annoyed.

Yes, Dave, I have seen wild canines fight until one succumbs from injuries. And, no, it was not while fishing while using any sort of bait.

And, purposeful misdirection aside, you are missing the point. I am not arguing any wild animals intent. I am discussing the intent of the human who purposefully put the animals in confined quarters with the intention of amusement and enjoyment through their injury and/or death. If he were merely feeding his octopus, there would be no video with no music with n trying o acrylic rod forcing the "action". The entire purpose and INTENT of the filmmaker was for amusement and attempted comedy.

It it combative by the way but regardless I was actually just trying to annoy you:yes: I actually agree with the intent being wrong and distasteful. I refuse to watch the video as I did not want to support it anyway. I just thought the pit bull reference was stupid (combative statement):D
LilRobb;676829 wrote: Point taken,
However if my job would be slaughterer at a meat processing company, it would be distasteful - but still, I just taped what is happening anyway.

The question is, then, what is the point in filming, and publishing the film, in a comical manner? That is where I decipher "intent" in this.
It is interesting to me how/why some develop this need to be entertained by the death of a living being ,man or animal. I grew up on a working farm where we slaughtered and processed most of our own meats . We witnessed the death of many animals at an early age but we were taught that it was a solemn time and no pleasure should be found in it.`I sometimes wonder if our choice of entertainment such as that from some movies ,TV and video games ,albeit make believe, has hardened our hearts to death.
grouper therapy;676906 wrote: I sometimes wonder if our choice of entertainment such as that from some movies ,TV and ,albeit make believe, has hardened our hearts to death.

id have to say yes to that. In the last 10 years or so, violence shown on the internet, in the news media, etc. has made it a lot easier for people to handle and get use to than in the past. Its a terrible thing but like i said people seem in general seem to be getting use to extreme violence, and thats definitely not a good thing.
never heard of 3 guys 1 hammer and i'm not so sure i wanna google it and find out what it is lol