Spot killing teak palys?


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I've got a colony of what was sold as watermelon zoas, but of a purple variety I guess. Anyways, they were originally placed near some teal palys which have made their way into the colony itself. Is there any effective way to spot kill the teal palys without harming the zoas?
Do a search for "Reef Napalm".

I know you all think I have no heart but now I have an ultrasound to prove it. :)
rdnelson99;967622 wrote: Do a search for "Reef Napalm".

I know you all think I have no heart but now I have an ultrasound to prove it. :)

Have you ever used this yourself?
Yes I have.

I know you all think I have no heart but now I have an ultrasound to prove it. :)
Me too, works like a charm on everything I used it on. Sometimes I had to do a second application if the rock had a lot of nooks and crannies that allowed stuff to hide.

Just be careful with flow (the thread states that something like a hundred times) and turn off the return pump and powerheads, not feed mode like I did- so that everyting turns back on during the application. :(

Any decent hardware store should have the stuff you need, If they give you a funny look tell that you are making lye soap. If you can't find any I've got a spare bottle if you ever find yourself in my neck of the woods.