Starting my 93 gallon cube stand build today - wish me luck!

If you look back at the first picture, the side panel is ever so slightly angled to where at the top of the tank it is flush, but at the bottom it sticks out but about 2 mm. Enough that if you ran your finger over it you would feel it, but nowhere near enough that you’d notice it by looking at it. I havent water tested it, but would be shocked if it didnt hold water. I’m mostly just wondering if it is gonna explode on me or something haha
The thing is siliconed to death on the inside, and i was thinking of applying some silicone on the outside right there to reinforce the “frame”.
I personally don't think it would be an issue. As long as the seam looks intact to both pieces of glass. I would at least do a water test for a couple of days.
That guide looks cracked because we chiseled some room out for the bulkheads and plumbing to have some breathing room. It’s non weight bearing anyways.