Suggestions for 6 g fish only tank?


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I have obtained a eclipse 6 gallon intending to use it for goldfish on my kitchen counter, but decided to put 10lb live sand/7lb live rock and stock with a few small fish n vrtes. There aint much room left in the tank after 7 lbs of rock and I was hoping you more experienced folks would have some suggestions on what to stock the tank with?
Other info: The stock lighting is poor.
I plan doing weekly partial water changes to keep water qulity up
Thank you for the help!
Yea Im thinking about them but woud like a fish with a rmore rounded body shape
I was thinking of raising two very small clowns into a mated pair and then transfering them into my larger tank when they got big enough. What do you think? how long on average ( i know it depends on how much i feed) till they get too big?
What kind of clowns? Two ocellaris clowns would be fine for a little while. I wouldn't do maroons though.
I wouldnt put anything but a single goby. Anything other than that is not good IMO Lets see some pics when you get it up and going!!!
You could make a nice nano reef. Mainly soft corals and a coralife pc fixture you would be in business. I wouldn't put any fish in it though.
Zanski wrote: I wouldnt put anything but a single goby. Anything other than that is not good IMO Lets see some pics when you get it up and going!!!

I second that- I have only one goby in my 12 gal nano. My wife wants another fish in there but I'm hesitant. A goby and pistol shrimp pair are fun to watch, though!
Thanks for your suggestions.
I put a baby ocellaris clown in a on monday and hes doing great. People at the Lfs thought a tank with just one fish was goofy but it works for me! Low bio load and my 7 year old is excited. I will probaly add a shrimp, snail and maybe something like an emerald crab over the next few weeks.
Having the small tank on my kitchen counter is cool as my family will enjoy watching the clown grow. I will post some photos as soon as a get some free time
I had a 6 gallon eclipse a few years back converted into a nano reef but before that I used the stock lighting to grow macroalgae(it was a small pc).I want to say that the stock lighting on Eclipse is 5500 K - 6500 K and you could grow macro algeas and they will work as a nitrate and phosphate reducer if trimmed regularly. Plus any one here will be willing to give you some free macro clippings.