Sump Or Wet Dry Filter

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the top spay bar are my return line from the sump. I am using a mag 7 for return. The middle is mine CLS spray bar which I am using a mag9.5. The 1in buckhead are the use to drain the displace water to the cls pump. I do not have to worry about water going to mine floor if my pump happen to die.

right behind those 2 buckhead are 2 shutoff vale. for easy to change out the pump if and when needed.
Last week I was messing around with my skimmer pump and broke off the return hole on the pump and had to use mine cls pump for the skimmer. I lost less then 1/2 cup of water from taking the cls offline.
heh, I don't have that last worry anyway; I drilled a little hole in the return pipe right at the water-line so when power to the pump goes out no suction/siphon is created. The water above the level of the overflow will drain another 3 or 4 gallons into my sump box and then everything stops up. It's fortunate we did this, because we've already suffered a power loss; I unplug my pump all the time when doing tank maintenance and never have to restart the siphon on the over-flow.

No, the only spillage problems I've had was last night when I accidentally left the skimmer on while the sump was off, thus way overflowing my containment vessel. Time to upgrade to a larger one.
my point is that you can put the return hole of the cls anywhere in your tank and not have to worry about back siphon.

mine are right in the middle of the tank and if it was not a cls I would have problem. Half of my displace water would be on the floor if it was not a cls.
Ah, gotcha! Sadly, this is not an otion for me. My tank is not drilled, and it's way too late for that now. However, I'll def. keep it in mind for my next tank.
You can run a CLS without drilling. you just have to prime the pipes with water and jut have it hanging over the back of the tank.
all those long replys from reef specialists really makes me dizzy. Simply put: Wetdry is when you have a large bioload, and not alot of live rocks or sand, which is the basic fish only or FLOWER tank. If you have a reef, go with a sump/refugium, it lowers nitrate, and it owns.
WOLFIE I think that you mean to say "Display tank". You keep on typing "Displace" on accident. The Display Tank is where all of your livestock is on Display. Hope that helps