SWU3 - Inifinity Aquarium by PFO


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Does anyone have a URL link of that amazing infinity aquarium that PFO were demo-ing at the SWU3?

What do you think? Expensive but it was very unique. They definitely thought out of the box, if you don't mind my pun. My kids wouldn't stop putting their finger in it if I had one at home.

We wont start on about the Solaris LED light. That should be reserved for another thread ;-) I'm not brave enough for that.
That was brought by the guys at Zero Edge Aquariums.
I want to get thier hex tank but just dont know where to put it. I can get you a good deal on a solaris ;)
I loved that aquarium, but it was WAY too expensive for my tastes.
kjessop;39737 wrote: I loved that aquarium, but it was WAY too expensive for my tastes.

Too expensive for your tastes, or just too expensive?

Man, they're neat looking, but way out of my price-range. I think I'd just be buying a standard 100+ gallon instead for less money.
Very nice tank. I showed it to my wife when I got home, not only did she love it but she recommended that we get one. This was very suprising since she saw the price also. I think we are all missing our big tank, but not enough to get me to spend that kind of cash right now.
ehh... pretty? Yes. However, I'm having enough difficulties with evaporation and humidity; I can only imagine how much that would increase with a zeroedge.
tsciarini;39743 wrote: ehh... pretty? Yes. However, I'm having enough difficulties with evaporation and humidity; I can only imagine how much that would increase with a zeroedge.

Same reason why we don't have a large tank anymore.
alot I know 2 people who have them and they love them but 2 major issues.

1) Evaporation is huge

2) Cleaning is a bit tough. it's basically get two magnets and take the inside portions of both and do that or do it by hand.

Keeping the snails and such in is also a challenge. And forget any fish that even remotely have an inclination to jump (wrasses, etc.)
kwl1763;39745 wrote: Keeping the snails and such in is also a challenge. And forget any fish that even remotely have an inclination to jump (wrasses, etc.)
This is what I thought when I first saw them. Great design and I'd buy one in a heartbeat if I could afford one. However, there'd be limited fish and cleanup crew would probably best be kept to hermits only.
kwl1763;39745 wrote: alot I know 2 people who have them and they love them but 2 major issues.

1) Evaporation is huge

2) Cleaning is a bit tough. it's basically get two magnets and take the inside portions of both and do that or do it by hand.

Keeping the snails and such in is also a challenge. And forget any fish that even remotely have an inclination to jump (wrasses, etc.)

Especially since every fish (save maybe seahorses) can jump when spooked. Waikiki Aquarium had a beautiful zero edge with a buttload of clams in it on black sand that looked awesome. They took it down when someone stole some of the clams.
I would also worry about contaminents which is what scared me away from it. So much is exposed particles like airesols, dust, pollen and such might actually have an effect on the tank. Nice to see people creating unique products like this, but I would pass on this one.