T5's with SPS who is running them over there tank?

George wrote: Do T5's really come up to the intensity of MH lighting?
I've read some threads where measurements were made and yes, they do equal and sometimes exceed the par of halides. For really deep tanks, you probably need the point source of halides to penetrate all the way to the bottom. For most all other tanks, T5's have plenty of power and intensity without causing heat or power comsumption problems.
Well I have talked to Chris (ARC) Pres and he gave me the go ahead to do a group buy on South Down Sand. The Min for a group buy is 2000lbs . The sand will be 12 per 40lbs . The sand is not bagged that is the catch. if anyone is interested let me know.
I have a couple of Maximas and a couple of Croceas. They've been in there going on a year (the croceas were first and then added the maximas at a later date) and I've never had them anywhere other than on the sand.

As Alan stated, you have to have the individual reflectors to maximize the T5s.
wow man thats really great info on thsoe lights casper and mike, thanks.
I just received the latest copy of Coral Magazine and the featured tank is all sps and only T5's. Probably one of the best looking tanks I've ever seen. The color of the corals is amazing. I wish I could get that kind of color out of my metal halides. Everything I have turns green.
My two cents,
well it's actually a series of lights that make up the total color. From 3k to 65k to pure act. Then there is a Blue plus that is like a 13 or 14k look. You just have to read what combos others use and modify them to your taste. Here is my T-5 setup I am ordering.

-1 3K GE
-1 ATI AquaBlue
-3 ATI Blue Plus
-1 Super Actinic

That is going to be my setup. It should be a true 14k look.
heh, shows what I know about T-5's....but thats why I have the experienced people like you guys to fill me in :) Think I'm going to start reading up on these things and see if maybe my decision of MH will sway for the next tank.