Tang hellp!


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So I still to this moment don't know why I stop by PetLand on Barrett Lakes in Kennesaw. Everytime I go to Pass it, the store screams for me to stop by</em>. Dont know why. Everytime I walk in there I go nuts. Someone please help this fish. They have a 9-12 inch Hippo Tang in a 55 gallon PACKED with rock. No room to even move, it looked like he has rubbed his face raw from trying to swim around with all the rock in the way. I stood there for 4-5 minutes and he didnt move. Just looking stressed. Anyone have room? Please help thanks~:help:
My 55 is packed with rock too so no help here... It is sad state to watch that fish in though. I hate going into some LFS just for that reason.
Im not sure what a price point on him would be. The "employee" asked me if I needed help and I said no but that fish might, and left. Not to mention the aptasia the size of my foot in EVERY tank they have. I just wonder if there is an adult that runs that section because the 15 year olds I always see back there just dont cut it.:sad:

Im SURE if someone went in there and addressed the problem you would probably get a heck of a deal on the fish.
Big D;32144 wrote: <span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS;">How much do they want for him?... That's a big Tang! I'm looking to get a hippo but wasn't wanting one that big. The bad thing is, if one of us pick him up, they'll just order another one to put back in the same tank. :boo: Maybe it would be a smaller one at least. I'm sure Sal (horseziggy) could use another big Hippo in his 450. </span>

<span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS;">Big D</span>
I don't want to talk for Sal, but I bet if you got him you could probably swap him for a smaller one in his tank. Last time I talked to Sal he had 5 hippos and I believe three of them would be available for trade for another hippo.
I've had good luck with fish from that Petland. I had a hippo from them for about 3 years, and a few other fish that have made it for quite some time. I would just make sure that you look at the fish close before purchasing.

Does this fall under Animals Crudity law?

I mean they are doing this tang more harm as each day pass.

Any lawer in here?
Sad situation....but I can't see anyone actually applying an animal cruelty act here. As sympathetic as we(here at ARC)all are, the average person would laugh at a cruelty law applying to fish. I wish it were different, but i doubt it.
Big D;32144 wrote: <span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS;">The bad thing is, if one of us pick him up, they'll just order another one to put back in the same tank. :boo: </span>
Cruel as it sounds, this is the best thing for the hobby in the long run. For the same reason that the Georgia Aquarium won't take your Nurse Shark, we should not be in the business of rescuing a blatantly irresponsible LFS from a poor purchasing and housing decision.
allen456;32251 wrote: i would have no problem taking the tang in, i have a 225. find out what they would want for him and let me know. i live a good distance away, so i can't pop in. he would have plenty of room to play in the tank.


Great I will find out today and let you know.:up:
Not sure if anyone else caught the line in the original post... "looked like he has rubbed his face raw trying to swim around with all of the rock in the tank" :sad: I would bet that the fish has a bad case of Head and Lateral Line Erosion. This is common for Tangs and Angels that grow up in poor tank conditions (both size and water quality).It looks just terrible and it is sad to see. :sad:
Well I am in for a few bucks to help get this fish into a better environment. It is seldom you see a fish this large. If Sal the Tang man with a tank big enough to house this beast happily will take him, I say we get a few people to kick in 5 bucks each and buy this guy. It will be the first (well first since I have been here) ARC fish rescue.
As a few people here have said- my vote is to leave it where it is. Husbandry and care aside, chain stores will operate by profts. And selling this fish will let them know there is a profit in getting large fish, whether they can properly house them pre-sale or not. Please note, I am not attcking any store in particular, but you can help but realize this is how all chain stores must think.

Perhaps, as a second option, we, as the Atlanta Reef Club, can create a petition (or similar), criticizing the condition of this particular fish, and see if we can pressure them to release it to us as a group, or at least sell it for no profit, so that this "rewrad" wont be there for them. Then, it can go to an appropriate home of one of our members.

AM I living too far up in the clouds?
I like the above post as a possible solution. First maybe it would be a good idea if someone who is very experienced with large reef fish take a look at the fish in person to confirm its condition and status. Then if everything is confirmed as I expect it will be then a letter from our esteemed president asking that the pet store do the right thing and turn over the fish to someone who can care for the fish (our club). This way the store understands that they should not stand to profit from the sale of a large fish that they cannot take care of.Just an idea. :)
Great ideas everyone I just spoke with a "sales person" at this store, the asking price for this fish is 249.00 WOW:eek: ... I'm guessing they are thinking this is a "show" tang. :sad: far from it:sad: ... We need to move on this, that fish will be there a while if they are asking that much for him. [or atleast until it dies :(.....]
I am always in for a better idea than mine. I third, forth or fifth what Pands says... where is Tony? Can we sneak a picture out of the caged Tang?
Cameron;32420 wrote: I am always in for a better idea than mine. I third, forth or fifth what Pands says... where is Tony? Can we sneak a picture out of the caged Tang?

Ill go down tonight and shoot a few pictures if they let me...:up:
What you guys have to remember about Petlands is that they are franchise not a big corporation. They do have standards they have to abide by but ultimately the call is the individual store's owner.
do you guys think the Alpherretta Petland can maybe help in this situation? Possibly have the manager call the other Petland and tell them about the complaints?
well no luck with the pictures. They allow pictures of dogs only. ?! :huh: "really":huh: