Tang hellp!

hmmm I wonder why! thats really annoying I bet they are aware of how bad of a condition it is in.
Let me know if you need help in writing the letter. I know it sounds dumb, but the strength of the letter is our biggest weapon.

or as Cam put it, we can all ship in and rescue, BUT then they profit. Do we let the tang suffer, or the tyrant profit?
I'll see if I can swing by this weekend and snap a couple. I doubt they will say anything to me. Worse case they ask me to leave after I have taken the picture.
i dont know why they wouldnt let you take any pictures. ill let you take as many as you want here. i will give them a call today, and see what they can do about this tang problem.
JOSH;32841 wrote: i dont know why they wouldnt let you take any pictures. ill let you take as many as you want here. i will give them a call today, and see what they can do about this tang problem.

Wow awesome!!! thanks for the help JOSH.;)
are you guys kidding...animal cruelty??? its a LFS they arnt planning on keeping the tang in a small tank forever.....
not a good comparison. The dog will not die if you let it out of the cage. and either way, if its that or nothing Id rather be tied to a bed for a month in hopes of new home then dead.
EnderG60;33014 wrote: not a good comparison. The dog will not die if you let it out of the cage. and either way, if its that or nothing Id rather be tied to a bed for a month in hopes of new home then dead.

You have a point the dog will probably not die. But, the fish probably will from stress. Especially when they are charging 300.00 dollars for 120.00 fish at MOST I'm sure it will be there a while. And I bet the fish would rather be in a 300 gallon than die in a 50.:boo:
one big difference is that they were not GIVEN the tang. They purchased it with the intention of selling it. Therefore they should have adequate space to house it.

Like D said, not trying to start something!

Which is more cruel. Housing the tang in a small space until he sells (hopefully he does sell or get rescued), or cycling your tank with live fish? How many people have done that?
Jenn from Imagine Ocean recently introduced a big issue that we have neglected. What if this tang was turned in by a fellow hobbyist in this condition? What if it had horrible HLLe and Petland is simply trying to rehouse it to a better home? I dont think the $200+ price tag will help at all, but is this possible?

My main objection to this story is that they are housing it in a totally innappropriate manner. A 12 inch fish should not be in a 55 empty, no less in a tank packed with live rock. Even short term. It is likely this fish will die in this tank as no one will spend 250 on an injured fish.

Do LFS have the right or responsibility to accept such fish in this condition? Absolutely, in fact, I expect them too. But should they, if they cannot appropriately housed them or care for them? I feel no.
Good point. But which is the lesser of 2 evils? Turn the hobbyist away knowing the fish WILL die, or taking it in the hopes that somebody will buy it and nurse it back to help (it MIGHT not die)?

I think giving the fish exposure to many hobbyists is the lesser of the 2. If the owner had held on to the tang, we would never be having this conversation and trying to save it.
Petition <span style="color: black;">I like the idea of having a petition that we (ARC members) could use to approach an lfs and ask for their cooperation. At the next meeting we should sign a petition and keep it on file and every time something like this comes up a representative of the club could approach the lfs with a petition. If they refuse then a general message could be sent out to all members to refrain buying from this store. I know it’s not a legal binding petition, but it would demonstrate to the lfs the number of people that will be aware of their practices.</span>
This whole thing is the reason I'm leaving the hobby. I dont want to play god anymore
Big D;33015 wrote: <span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS;">I never said anything about letting the dog out... But I'm going to let this go, it is in fact animal Cruelty though.</span>

<span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS;">Big D</span>

alright ill just agree to disagree then

but man people either do something about it or stop complaining
hey guys someone told me about the tang a couple of days ago i'm always in for helping a fish out and can always make room but 249 my wife may get wild over that if any one has any ideas i'm willing to chip in $ and put the big boy in a big tank sal
Just as a note on the idea of a petition... please be aware that any printed distribution with the Atlanta Reef Club name must be voted on and approved by the current Board of Directors. The ARC is a registered entity of the State of Georgia. We have to follow the rules of state and federal law to operate as a club and provide documentation of what takes place at meetings, events and Board discussions.
While I personally agree that it really sucks to see a fish in that condition (and entire stores that look like a death trap) but we may want to take some tact in an approach to telling businesses we don't like a particular tank in their store or how to run their business. Using the club name may pose more of a threat and cause a bad name for trying to make waves.
We will be trying to set up a Board of Directors meeting hopefully within the next month; If you'd like to discuss this topic more, please feel free to bring it to the attention to the Board at that time. Remember, all members are welcome to attend and join in discussions at BoD meetings.
well I went into petland in kennesaw today. The big guy was still there, they did however move him to another 50 gallon with less rock. But he was chasing a cole tang around like he owed him money. Still looking for a BIGGER home!
I'm with you allen456; I'd put him in mine, but there's no way I'm going to pay that kinda cash!
Zanski;35430 wrote: well I went into petland in kennesaw today. The big guy was still there, they did however move him to another 50 gallon with less rock. But he was chasing a cole tang around like he owed him money. Still looking for a BIGGER home!

i was in there tonight and I noticed that too. Now I feel bad for the kole tang too.