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I think blue or yellow tangs are for tanks 55 or better...knowing that I am going to a 75+ within the next 3 months, would it be safe to get a silver dollar or less size yellow or blue tang for the 24 nano. Again, this is knowing it will be transferred to something larger in the very near future...Im loking ahead..I currently have to medium size clowns, and emerald, cuc and a cleaner shrimp.

I do feed pellets, mysis and brine....

thats your call, it might become stressed tho in that small of an area.
LAST thing I want is to stress them out...thats why it would be only a baby at the moment...but if that doesnt make a difference than Ill nix the idea..
Just wait, theres no point in risking it. Besides, I don't think theres gonna be a tang shortage, you can buy one when your ready.
lol nah...there wont be a shortage....just looking for something to add to my tank for the time being....suppose I could get a pigmey angel or just more coral...
I would get a midas or bi-color blenny. I have had both in my 24g; they have great personality and are fun to watch.
louis;74556 wrote: I would get a midas or bi-color blenny. I have had both in my 24g; they have great personality and are fun to watch.
I have to agree with that my red lip bleeny has tons of personality lots of fun to watch.
Well yes actually. If it is an open top, I do not recommend them. They are notorious for jumping out.
The closest store is ocean treasures in Loganville for me...I know they have all kinds of gobies and such...Maybe Ill take a run tonight after work...

Anyone in the Covington/Conyers neck of the woods??
Honestly I wouldn' t do it. I added a larger tang to my 55 knowing that in a month or so I was upgrading to a 90+. He did get stressed out and didn't make it. I only had three other fish which were all very small.

If something falls through, which it can....and if you don't upgrade soon enough, I just wouldn't take the chance in stressing it out. Just use it as motivation to upgrade sooner.:up:
Have you thought about adding a few sexy shrimp or a pom pom crab? I've had both, and I think they're as much fun to watch as the fish. If not more. I recomend the sexy shrimp more (of the two) because they tend to be much more visible. Mine would house itself under my frogspawn and my condi. If you get more than one you may want to put them in at the same time. I tried adding another group of about 5 and they all disappeared over ther next week or so.I don't know if the first one killled them, but all signs pointed that way. Anyway, best of luck with your decision. Happy Reefing!
I was excited when I bought an emerald the other day....talk about HARD to find...

I just looked the the "sexy shrimp", very very cool....Id probably have to really travel to find one...or 2....dont they eat weird or something or am I thinking of something else?
your thinking of a<span style="color: Black;"> harlequin shrimp, they eat urchins.
sexy shrimp look kind of similar but pretty small. they eat flake foods and frozen foods. Also they do better in groups of 2 or more.
They mainly eat stars, forgot to mention that, but they also go after urchins.
I have witnessed the destruction of harlequins vs urchins. Pretty nasty.