Tank room build started

Don't let them mess with you Robb. I could always have a setback and delay so you can get the lead LOL.
"With a little help from my friends"
The story continues...
After Eric fixed the last couple of outlets that weren't wired yet, and I have the stand top some extra coats of polyurethane, we also moved another 6' stand into the sump room (frag system) and busted the old overflow boxes out.
Today we bought some odds and ends for the closed loop setup, some true union ball valves etc...
My Barracuda needed a major overhaul after the last person borrowing it bend the fancover and prevented it from starting properly.
the lightmover rail is sitting on top of the stand, waiting for the new overflow boxes to dry inside the tank.
Dave did another outstanding job on fixing me up with another DIY for these, pictures to follow tomorrow - time to hit the sack.


I did not notice that you posted pics of the basement after the drywall was done and the flooring was installed. I am going to take a moment to acknowledge the hard work put into the drywall and flooring. The bamboo looks really nice. I love it on an angle rather then straight. I know it takes more material but the look pays off.

As for the tank, I cannot wait to see the finished project in less than a month.

LilRobb;449542 wrote: My Barracuda needed a major overhaul after the last person borrowing it bend the fancover and prevented it from starting properly.


Great payback for your loaning a pump out! But it could be worse... the last piece of equipment I loaned out (not counting the regulator to Colin) got given to someone else in a trade deal. Thank goodness it wasn't anything expensive.
LilRobb;447062 wrote: A very dear friend volunteered to help me with some much needed drilling, but I'll let the pictures talk:

http://lh5.ggpht.com/_Ev5HYy-hgao/S056UonY1sI/AAAAAAAADuo/y29jUpEeA8c/s576/CIMG2159.JPG" alt="" />

[IMG]http://lh4.ggpht.com/_Ev5HYy-hgao/S056UBv9j0I/AAAAAAAADuc/4xYzcUuUTTE/s800/CIMG2158.JPG" alt="" />

[IMG]http://lh4.ggpht.com/_Ev5HYy-hgao/S056TjSD5MI/AAAAAAAADuU/9f1peHz0HDc/s800/CIMG2157.JPG" alt="" />

Thanks Dave - not many out there like you!


I recognize that guy it is the elusive possum grouper...hehe.

Nice work as usual Dave.
And here the frag tank is up and running, some hours of work later (mostly for Eric, haha):

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LilRobb;452651 wrote: And here the frag tank is up and running, some hours of work later (mostly for Eric, haha):

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Sweet man! Glad to see the frag tank is up!
Frag tank is looking good if I must say so myself!!! Ready for water to clear up and tank to cycle so we can empty out the 55 gal...
Only one - I have a slave trolly, but I don't see the need for it...
Here we go with todays project:

http://lh4.ggpht.com/_Ev5HYy-hgao/S5ROEL7L1gI/AAAAAAAADzI/c-JtJei5Wzc/s800/CIMG2179.JPG" alt="" />

Colin and Eric lend a hand to get my new closed loop set-up going...