Tank room build started

LilRobb;446128 wrote: Thanks guys,

now who is brave enough to put the drill bit to my tank?

It needs no less than 4 holes - eventually 6!!!
if you got the bits; I'm not scared. My bits never came back from the last person that borrowed them.
LilRobb;446068 wrote: http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Ev5HYy-hgao/S0xx1YlwedI/AAAAAAAADtg/sSCFv1mVzwE/s800/100_1917.JPG" alt="" />

Glad to say, the display room is finished (minus some paint touch ups)

[IMG]http://lh5.ggpht.com/_Ev5HYy-hgao/S0xxxv5abuI/AAAAAAAADtE/xa4Bu1-vfp4/s800/100_1899.JPG" alt="" />

As usual, full album -> HERE

The floors are beautiful :) It's going to be so nice when it's finished. Really happy for ya :D I bet this has been a dream for you for a long time! Cant wait to see what it looks like finished.
It looks very nice compared to a few weeks ago.Looks like it's time to slam a few New castle's and enjoy the tour of tanks.:cheers:
nice touch running the wood flooring on the 45 like that..

how in the world do you find the time do do this stuff?
LilRobb;446128 wrote: Thanks guys,

now who is brave enough to put the drill bit to my tank?

It needs no less than 4 holes - eventually 6!!!

Since there my bits I should get the honors.lol
It would be my pleasure and certainly ease my sweaty hands if you could drill it...

A very dear friend volunteered to help me with some much needed drilling, but I'll let the pictures talk:

http://lh5.ggpht.com/_Ev5HYy-hgao/S056UonY1sI/AAAAAAAADuo/y29jUpEeA8c/s576/CIMG2159.JPG" alt="" />

[IMG]http://lh4.ggpht.com/_Ev5HYy-hgao/S056UBv9j0I/AAAAAAAADuc/4xYzcUuUTTE/s800/CIMG2158.JPG" alt="" />

[IMG]http://lh4.ggpht.com/_Ev5HYy-hgao/S056TjSD5MI/AAAAAAAADuU/9f1peHz0HDc/s800/CIMG2157.JPG" alt="" />

Thanks Dave - not many out there like you!

As always, looking great! That would be difficult to drill that thing. I would have been so nervous!! Nice to have Dave's steady hand doing it!!
was four holes all that you decided you'd need?
(I know you were thinking that you might require 6 at some point)
We actually drilled 5 holes,

one on each side of the 2 overflow boxes and one dead center and high up in the middle.

The OceanMotion will be "sucking" water from the two holes on the very left and right and divert the water to the middle three holes and two 1" PVC pipes going in over the top (aiming front to back).

Plumbing pics will follow this weekend latest...

Some pics to help understand:

http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Ev5HYy-hgao/S0-4d7qPkxI/AAAAAAAADuw/WrqDnUdjTJY/s800/CIMG2161.JPG" alt="" />

[IMG]http://lh3.ggpht.com/_Ev5HYy-hgao/S0-4eXjOskI/AAAAAAAADu0/r2QDRdrhnw0/s576/CIMG2160.JPG" alt="" />
LilRobb;447313 wrote:
The OceanMotion will be "sucking" water from the two holes on the very left and right and divert the water to the middle three holes and two 1" PVC pipes going in over the top (aiming front to back).

blu_devl_06;447854 wrote: Are you ever going to have water in this thing? I wish you would quit piddlin around and put things together already......I think Ansley's tank will be up first!!!:doh:
Water in this weekend!
Robb if you need a help this weekend let me know. I'm free Saturday afternoon and all day Sunday.