Tell me why this wouldn't work....

Seedless Reefer;296741 wrote:
Also I wonder how one of the red grow lights would work as a fuge light.

I did PAR readings on different colored screw in CFLs last year and came to the conclusion that we already know to be true.

Shallow fuges will benefit more from red light, as it provides a higher PAR value while quickly dropping as the water depth increases.

Deeper fuges should have higher spectrum bulbs because they provide better PAR under more water, as the long wavelengths penetrate the water column better.
Actually, this is what you need over your tank, Dakota-

jhutto;296762 wrote: Yep... the PAR meter is always missing in action as only a few people get to use it. There have been numerous lists but it never gets around to those who have asked for months and months...

There should be a public list and the par meter should move on down the list. Everyone would know who has what and when and if someone keeps it longer than they should, we could bombard them with PM's.

Just a suggestion.

And don't we require a substantial deposit for the use of a par meter?

I'd like to use one someday....

Back to the subject at hand, would this LED fixture light a 20 gallon cube? Thoughts?
It's hard to know without testing the output. It would certainly light it up, but I can't say if it can grow coral.
They may work. White LEDs, bright Super Flux type, have a color temp of about 6700K. Combine with the blue high output, they run in the 460 to 470 nm range, same as actinic frequency. When you put these together you should get the same effect theoretically of about 12000k. Much of the light penetration has to do with light frequency but obviously intesity is a favtor. If you use 100+ LEDs, 25% blue and 75% white, I think you can get enough lumens, light intesity, for a tank. You are correct in saying you would need 2 units about 100+ LEDs each for a 4ft length tank about 2 feet deep. (55, 72, 90) I am working on a LED system for aquarium lighting. I will eventually have moonlights, lunar lights, night vision lights, sunrise lights and overhead lights. I'll keep you guys posted as I progress on this project.