the nitrate nightmare.

JennM;389535 wrote: I just posted this in the other Nitrate Reactor thread...

Another option is to use a Phosban reactor with De*Nitrate. This employs the slow flow principle being discussed in the sulfur reactor application - but it's safer insofar as it's not going to risk a pH drop etc., and the other potential risks of using sulfur.


hey jenn

was reading up on that last night. wonder if it will work.
got home somewhat early tonight, full intentions on coming out to your shop. nope g.friend has made us plans to go to BJ's this evening.
i bought some stuff over the web from a guy thats a BJ's manager. to sweeten the deal he gave me a membership. we have never been there so you know the deal on that. the card is burning a whole in her pocket. lol

you mentioned that you posted this on another link. im having trouble finding it, can you link me up please.
im so glad that you guys have tried to help me on this. i hope we can get to the bottom of this. i got some PRIME today and started the dose.
Delloman;389556 wrote: question what happend to the 55g you hard first?

50gal. i still have it. im using the 30 to train myself. since i have a big problem already, no use in creating another one. so when i feel comfortable, i'll get the biger one going. its pretty sweet too.
atreyu917;389539 wrote: Definitely following this thread. I hope things get better for the tank soon!

thank you, i hope so too. i see your into reptiles. you looking for a huge
plexi cage? huge. probably its like 4X3X3 maybe.
ricksconnected;389753 wrote: hey jenn

was reading up on that last night. wonder if it will work.
got home somewhat early tonight, full intentions on coming out to your shop. nope g.friend has made us plans to go to BJ's this evening.
i bought some stuff over the web from a guy thats a BJ's manager. to sweeten the deal he gave me a membership. we have never been there so you know the deal on that. the card is burning a whole in her pocket. lol

you mentioned that you posted this on another link. im having trouble finding it, can you link me up please.
im so glad that you guys have tried to help me on this. i hope we can get to the bottom of this. i got some PRIME today and started the dose.

Sorry for the slow reply - crazy busy today (w00t!)

The other thread is here:"></a>

I haven't had time to do any further research... this is the first breather I have had all afternoon :D (not complaining - lol bragging!)

I just pulled a jar of De*nitrate off the shelf...and here's a link to Seachem's product description: [IMG]"></a>

It actually suggests using it in a "filtration module" which is what a reactor (among other devices) is, and at a flow rate of 50 gallons per hour or less. If the flow through rate is higher, use Matrix or Pond Matrix (larger particle size).

IMO a Phosban reactor and De*Nitrate would be a less volatile option, than a sulfur media reactor, and one would only need one reactor, and not the aragonite in a second reactor, and there isn't a worry about pH fluctuations etc., as there would be with sulfur media.

FWIW when I recently set up my seahorse tank again I placed a media bag of De*Nitrate in a slow-flow area of the sump.

ok jenn i have a question.

this product sounds promising. should i try a bag with the stuff in it and put it in my HOB filter, or should i try a reactor? if reactor is the case where would i ever find a powerhear with such low flow?
what kind of prices am i looking at ya think. your more than welcome to PM me with the prices jenn.
JennM;389766 wrote:
It actually suggests using it in a "filtration module" which is what a reactor (among other devices) is, and at a flow rate of 50 gallons per hour or less. If the flow through rate is higher, use Matrix or Pond Matrix (larger particle size).

DeNitrate works by being an exceptionally porus media. As the water flows towards the center of the media the aerobic bacteria living on the vast surface of the media consumes all the oxygen(while releasing carbon dioxide) from the water. By the time the water reaches the center of the media it is oxygen free, which promotes the growth of anaerobic bacteria. The higher the water flow, the higher the oxygen level. O2 prohibits the growth of anerobic bacteria.

Anaerobic bacteria fixes nitrate(NO3-) for its oxygen source, causing a release of nitrogen. This environment also favors the production of hydrogen sulfide, a toxic gas.

A Sulfur Denitrator works in the exact same fashion, only using sulfur as the media on which anaerobic bacteria grows. The major difference is that a sulfur denitrator is purpose built and significantly more effective.

This leads me to-
JennM;389766 wrote:
IMO a Phosban reactor and De*Nitrate would be a less volatile option, than a sulfur media reactor, and one would only need one reactor, and not the aragonite in a second reactor, and there isn't a worry about pH fluctuations etc., as there would be with sulfur media.

If DeNitrate were to work as well as a denitrator you would have the same pH depressing(not fluctuating) issue. How exactly would either of these systems be considered volatile? I don't either will cause an explosion....
ricksconnected;389802 wrote: ok jenn i have a question.

this product sounds promising. should i try a bag with the stuff in it and put it in my HOB filter, or should i try a reactor? if reactor is the case where would i ever find a powerhear with such low flow?
what kind of prices am i looking at ya think. your more than welcome to PM me with the prices jenn.

It will be useless in a HOB filter. The Phosban reactor is a decent enough idea, but you need about 1% of your tank volume(really depending on your bioload) in media for it to start to be effective.">Microjet Powerhead</a> will power the Phosban reactor.

What skimmer are you using, btw?
wow, i just went from knowing whats going on to totally lost in 1 post. lol
danny im a newbie, all these big words :eek: lol
my sanity is in your hands jenn. :D
ricksconnected;389811 wrote: wow, i just went from knowing whats going on to totally lost in 1 post. lol

I try :).

What I was basically saying if either system was set up equally, either will work and yield the same results.

What protein skimmer are you running on your tank?
im using a coralife. i hear they suck, but it came with the tank. i have to make it work for now though.
That's enough skimmer for 30 gallon tank. They only suck in the respect that they're finicky. I would keep that thing skimming pretty wet right now- somewhere along the lines of having to clean it every week.

Make sure you make that adjustment when you have some time to check on it, just to make sure you don't overskim on accident.
oh man at least every 3 days we clean that cup out.
they are finicky indeed. this thing does all kinds of crazy stuff.
add anything and it starts over flowing with skim.
so i started unplugging it everytime i add stuff. then wait about an hour or 2 then plug it back in again.