The worst...


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Powder Springs
I guess some may  have experienced something like this before. First for me however. Not long ago, I hear a string of expletives coming out of my wife from the bedroom. I run in and see it... Melted corals, dead fish.. my temp probe fell out somehow. No idea how it happened. Maybe a cat. I just don't know. It appears the lone survivor is the big turbo. This sucks on an extreme level.

I hope everyone else is having a better day than I am.

Sorry  ,happened to me it was a mess but don’t give up
Phil.....we've all been there.  I had something happen once that killed off over $1,000 in fish, inverts, basically anything living.  It's the closest that I've ever come to completely calling it quits and I was in the middle of my 180 build at the time.  I've had heaters stick in the on position and cook fish.  I've had them not come on and the temp drop to low and kill off corals.  The basic motto is, if it can happen, it will happen.  Chin up and keep plugging.  It will get better.
Oddly enough, I had a near miss when I was re-configuring my sump a couple of weeks ago.  Since I had unplugged everything for my apex and relocated the equipment, I thought it best to give everything one last go over before calling it a night...and wow am I glad I did.  The temp showed 74 and I found my temp probe was hanging above the water.  After hearing your loss and now recognizing my near miss, I am looking to add a safety setting to my Apex and plan to research it in the upcoming days.  Sorry to year about your loss, but maybe your loss will save someone else's reef.

I still have a couple of mushrooms and some zoas I can frag when you are back up.
Sorry to hear about your crash.

Do you use anything for redundancy? A heater controller, Apex, Reefkeeper.
<li>No. I don't have an Apex or reefkeeper. That tank was an old school setup I put together to hold my livestock while I'm redoing my 120. Guess I'll need to look for one now.</li>
You should look into at least a simple controller for the heater(s). I love my Apex but for something not permanent but more extended than a QT tank you could go with something like this.

If your heater has its own thermostat just set it a degree or 2 higher than the controller, then you have double redundancy. If the controller fails the heaters will kick in and shut it down and you'll get an audible alarm if the temp swings out of your programmed range.
Once you've recovered I've got a few candy cane heads I can give you to help rebuild.
Ive got few frags Ill throw in as well to get you back up and running.  Im so sorry this happened to you.  Its never easy.
I already gave a little bit away but I should have a small piece of red or green digi as well. maybe both. Let us know when you're ready.
Thanks everyone. I'm going to let the tank run through the week to make sure everything is in check. I expect to be good to go then. Feel free to text me at 678-457-1420. Thanks again,
