These prices...SINCE WHEN??

dball totally agree with you. It was 2 different stores but not naming names. Still, I think some type of 48 hour death policy is warranted. Even if it’s 50% off. If you can’t guarantee that then you don’t trust your stock. Granted these fish are put into unknown situations after they leave the store. But you could make some rules that protect you.

Snarky care to share which online stores have been good for you?
Salty Underground and Aquarium fish sale.

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dball totally agree with you. It was 2 different stores but not naming names. Still, I think some type of 48 hour death policy is warranted. Even if it’s 50% off. If you can’t guarantee that then you don’t trust your stock. Granted these fish are put into unknown situations after they leave the store. But you could make some rules that protect you.

Snarky care to share which online stores have been good for you?

Agree +1
I’m going to create a separate post on a similar topic. I have never seen prices like they are now. Plus, and my real issue, is everyone has dropped their policy on fish deaths. If a fish dies with 24-48 hours you used to be able to get an exchange or something. Now that’s totally gone which is not cool. I am stocking right now and I’ve had 3 deaths where the fish started dying in 24 hours and everything else in my tank is great as are the parameters. Not sure how I want to proceed at this point. Best advice I can give is buy from fellow reefers.

I don't know about a 24-48 hour exchange or guarantee. At least back when Under the Wave was around in the 90's or even when Aviarium was around, they didn't offer that.

If your fish is dying less than 24 hours, there is something going wrong with your system. Maybe post your parameters, your testing methods, and your acclimation methods and maybe some of us can help?
dball totally agree with you. It was 2 different stores but not naming names. Still, I think some type of 48 hour death policy is warranted. Even if it’s 50% off. If you can’t guarantee that then you don’t trust your stock. Granted these fish are put into unknown situations after they leave the store. But you could make some rules that protect you.

Snarky care to share which online stores have been good for you?
I get the consumer perspective but if I was a fish store, you would be asking me to trust every customer's tank is set up properly and they know they're going to acclimate the fish properly. Kind of a double edge sword.

It sucks to lose fish, especially the financial side, but you can take steps to minimize that by doing things correctly. Again, post your parameters, testing method, kits used, acclimation process, and we can help.
I think one of the biggest factors is matching salinity of the store. Most stores keep their fish in lower salinity tanks. Fish can handle the same or lower salinity but a rapid increase is very stressful to them.

Thats one of the reasons I like Nemo. Simon keeps his systems at 1.025.
As others have said, it really depends on where you go. I haven't noticed my fish prices any higher than before the virus. As a matter of fact I just brought a 3-in male blue trigger that was beautiful and only paid $60 for it at my LFS. Other stores within 15 mi were charging 100 plus dollars