This was my sick clown fish


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Well my other clown died a few weeks after. I did a water change and put two damsels in he tank to see how they do......I think im gonna take them out and let treat my tank........
Im gonna do that, its just gonna be hard going without fish for 3-4 months. Can i put some of my lr in my 10g tank and put fish in there???
dawgdude;186422 wrote: Blind remind me to smack you when I give you those corals. You need to make sure that you have proper lighting for corals and that your filtration is adequate to sustain corals. I would suggest the QT as mentioned before and just take it slow man! If you need some help then feel free to shot me a pm. Best of luck."></a>

take a look.
Yeah I just went through the same thing man, load up with some corals, and after 5-6 weeks not months you're good. Just make sure no fish is in there cause the ich will attach and have another thing to feed off of.

Ich life cycle is either 14 days or 30 days, I've heard both, so go 5-6 weeks to be sure.

Don't bother with the 3-4 months. Good luck to you man.
Well 5 weeks worked for me, 6 would definately be a lot safer. From April 26th to about June 3rd. So That might equate to 6 weeks.
Thanks everyone for the info, it very much needed. Im gonna treat the tank for the time mentioned. My only problem now is catching my two damsels, ive been trying all day. When they see the blue net coming they hide quick. Any suggestions?
Take out all the LR. Thats the real only way to catch em, or try to feed and quickly net them, or drop some mysis into the net and put it in the water see if they bite at that.
Yeah and use the time to think about how you want your rock to look permanetly. You can lay out a garbage bag in the dimensions of your tank and aquascape it on there and then take pics and transfer it back to the tank when you're done.
With 6 weeks of "Fallow" (no fish time) you can be about 80-90% sure your tank is safe. While the tank has no fish, I would turn the temperature of the tank up to about 84-85 degrees. This will speed up the life cycle of the Ich. There is new research that Ich can live, "unhatched" for up to three months.

It kind of sucks, I know... but 1) your corals, if you keep any, will LOVE the down time and the increased temps, 2) the Micro life like the pods and the micro starfish will LOVE the down time, nothing to eat them. You will have more life going on in that tank and some pretty cool stuff to watch till you get fish back in there.
Thanks everyone. I guess it's going to be a long Are zoa's gonna be safe in the tank will i deal with this......
All corals will be fine and so will inverts, ich mainly preys on fish.
SCM Steve;186795 wrote: All corals will be fine and so will inverts, ich mainly preys on fish.

All corals will be fine and so will inverts <span style="color: red;">as long as you do not treat your tank with anything, </span><span style="color: black;">ich </span><span style="color: red;">ONLY </span><span style="color: black;">preys on fish.</span>
LOL, Yep, it is usually a long night! You have a QT tank set up?!? My best advice is to dip each fish in a formalin dip and place them in the QT tank. From there, you do not have to treat in the QT tank at all and it makes your life much easier. I have kept fish in a QT for months with little problems. You need to make sure you keep up with your water perams in there. weekly or twice weekly water changes are a good idea.

Yes, you can still put zoas in your main tank.
Thanks fish rescue starts tonight. Im gonna post pics of that before and after....