Thoughts on a nano setup? (I'm new!)


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Hi! :D

After much thought and definitely a lot of stressing, I think I've convinced myself that I'm confident enough in my fishkeeping skills to start up a saltwater tank for the first time. I've had tanks since I was two</em>, and not having one currently (I just moved) is so depressing! For most of my life I've stuck with tropicals, and then later branched off into fancy goldfish. They did beautifully. I loved them.

So, I'd like to convert my current system to a saltwater tank. It's not big - a 20 gallon high tank, but it's a size I'm comfortable with and not as overwhelming as something larger. I know some of what I need to get set up.. I worked at a well-established FW/SW store back in Michigan for a year and a half and learned everything I could from the owner. He knew his stuff, and I was ever so inquisitive to pick his brain and find out everything I could about those lovely fish. We had everything. It was amazing.

Anyway. Right now I have my 20-gallon glass tank. I've been running an Eheim backfilter and an undergravel in it for my FW fish - I've planned to use the backfilter still, and go with possibly a canister filter.. any objections? Most of what I'm familiar with is on a very large scale - huge filters, skimmers, canisters, etc. I have a top for the tank and a strip light, and know I will need a different lighting situation (a different bulb, if not a whole new strip). I don't have my mind set on a direction for the tank, but I'm thinking that live rock (which has plenty of goodies on its own!), a few small growy things, and a fish or two would make me happy. I'm not forseeing heavy interest in corals, but a couple would be nice, if possible.

In addition to the tank, additional filter, and different lighting, I know I'll need live rock, sand, salt, a hydrometer, test kit, and such.. am I forgetting anything important? I also have a larger powerhead I've used in the past with my undergravel filter for water circulation.. with the canister and back filter, is it necessary as well?

I don't need anything fancy.. I just want a good, but simple, setup. I miss my fish!
if you use the backfilter you currently have you will need all brand new filter media to go inside it as FW and SW are two different bacteria strains..

I dont think you are missing anything important honestly.. you said coral was not a huge interest so you could stick with power compact lighting and be just fine.. the if you want to get a few low light corals you should be ok..

you won't have to worry about dosing your tank with anything because it seems like you will have such a light bioload that the normal water changes will take care of replenishing any nutrients your corals pull out..
Your lighting will be a normal ourput ("NO") fixture. It will be more than fine for what you want to do. You can even keep some coral with that lighting. (See"></a> for what you can do with NO lighting).

You will need to utilize the powerhead for flow. SW fish will enjoy the flow and it will help keep the tank tidy.

As Carty said above, you'll have to clean the hob and replace the media.

I'd also reccomend a refractometer rather than a hydrometer; they're much more accurate. You will also need to top-off your tank with water daily, so keep that in mind. An ATO would be great for this as evaporation in a small tank makes a big difference.
Thanks for the replies! It's nice to be reassured. I can always change it up and upgrade later if I so choose. =) If I can get started with the basics and get familiar again, I know I won't be able to resist getting something better when the time comes. Lord knows I'd love a huge tank.

Cartridges for the Eheim aren't a problem for a while - I've never found anywhere other than my old store that actually CARRIES them, so whenever I go there I always pick up a box (12 cartridges). The biofoam one though.. hmm.. online, probably.

Also, I know that when you're first starting a tank, you should start with beginner fish like damsels and such.. if I start out with, say, a three-spot, am I going to be able to add another fish later on without a problem? I've had my eyes on the clarkii clowns for years, I love them, but wouldn't want personality issues to get in the way.

And.. ATO?
ATO is Auto Top Off. That way your salinity won't go up and down with evap in a small tank.

Secondly, I wouldn't advise damsels, as they are aggressive, and you'll regret it later. Just get some LR and cycle the tank. Then slowly add the fish you want. :)

You can get a gadget to top off your tank for you? That is.. amazing</em>.

A clarkii it will be, then. =D I've always loved the bangai cardinals too.. they're so weird looking. I love the black and white.

The thing that got me hooked on the clowns is when the movie Finding Nemo came out, and I was working at the fish store. We got in a HUNDRED BABY CLOWNS in FIVE different kinds.. let me think.. there were perculas, clarkiis, tomatoes, some sort of skunk clown, and another one. I can never remember it. Anyway. Babies. BITTY babies. They were less than an inch long. God they were so cute. Baby fish were everywhere. &lt;3
I am curious as well about the various kinds of canister filters out there. I've found the regular kind, made by different companies, and then a couple with bio-wheel attachments on the top of them so it has additional biological filtration. Because I will have my backfilter on it, is the bio-wheel necessary? I mean, I know that the more filtration the better, in any case, but if it's not a necessary thing..

Are there any you guys would suggest? Or at least good companies to go with? I know Eheim is a good one.
If it were me, I would use a few good powerheads and a hang on the back skimmer. On a tank that size with limited bio-load, there is little need for chemical (i.e. turning ammonia into nitrite, then nitate)filtration, the live rock will do that for you if you have good enough flow. Maybe hook up the canister every now and then to mechanically filter, remove particles and debris. I had a 20H setup in college using this method and was pretty successful. Also, as others mention, in saltwater with live rock, there is no need for fish to "cycle." Just go to a lfs when they get a new live rock shipment in and pick your rock. The die off on the liverock with make sure you get a good cycle and plenty of bacteria to handle the bioload as you SLOWLY add fish and corals. I would wait at least 2 weeks, maybe a few more, then add some hermits and snails, then a few weeks later start adding fish and corals. Obviously, the "a few weeks" is just a guideline. You'll need to test your water to make sure you're ready for each additional step. Good Luck and welcome to the club!!
Sorry, just read that you don't have a canister filter. I think that $$ would be better spend on a hang on the back skimmer.
This is what I would recommend:"></a>
You can usually find a used one here at the club or on other forums for under $100.
$100 or so was what I had planned on spending on a canister, so that sounds like a good idea.

I can definitely take it slow.. live rock in itself is exciting.. all the little growy bits on it that start to appear are fascinating. I'm not in any hurry, believe me. After all is said and done, I'd be happy with just a pretty clarkii. Really.

I see you're in Smyrna, MvM (we're neighbors!).. where would you suggest I go for supplies? I've only been to two stores thus far (Marine Life and Atlantis Aq.) and haven't found what I'm looking for just yet. Are live rock shipment days overrun with people looking for live rock? I remember at the pet store we had a few people interested, but I don't know how it'd go in a larger city area like Atlanta..
Nah, I wouldn't think so. Check out the sponsors page for some great stores. Just ask them when they plan to get their LR shipment in a go the next day. Good Luck.

The link I posted is from
A great dry goods provider locally that has internet pricing. They don't carry livestock, though. Probably why than can keep the dry good prices so low...
Does anyone have any other suggestions for skimmers? The one M posted is nice.. anything out there that's close to the same size and price, but rated a little higher? If I decide to upgrade to a larger tank (like a 55 or something), it would be nice to have the option to continue using the skimmer I get for the 20gal.
thiakosia;269579 wrote: Does anyone have any other suggestions for skimmers? The one M posted is nice.. anything out there that's close to the same size and price, but rated a little higher? If I decide to upgrade to a larger tank (like a 55 or something), it would be nice to have the option to continue using the skimmer I get for the 20gal.
I like my Coralife Super Skimmer...Can be a PITA sometimes as far as adjustments but works rather well.. I have a 220 on my 120 reef..
If you upgrade, you need a sump and internal skimmer, IMO. But this would work:"></a>
This is what I have on my 34:
I've got an AquaC Urchin skimmer I'm trying to unload... I think I met you at MF that day you were asking about a cast iron stand...
Teh urchin would be a good skimmer choice, and is a higher quality built skimmer as is all Aquac stuff.
I think a skimmer would do more for you in that situation than a canister would, but with a light bioload, either will be acceptable. There are countless nano tanks out there(looking at my 24g right now) that do outstandingly well without skimmers.

If you go with a canister, go with a Hagen Fluval. Being in the maintenance business, I have dealt with many canisters. The Fluvals are whisper quiet, seperate the prefilter sponges from the biological and chemical media using a removable vertically oriented tray making cleaning a breeze, hold plenty of media, and are very reliable. They also easy to get replacement parts for.

You'll be fine starting with Amphiprion clarkii. Don't waste your money on a hydrometer. You can get a good refractometer for under $50. Buy a good book-

The New Marine Aquarium("></a>).

Another good one is The Conscientios Marine Aquarist([IMG]"></a>).
Steve;269853 wrote: I've got an AquaC Urchin skimmer I'm trying to unload... I think I met you at MF that day you were asking about a cast iron stand...


Yeah, that was me. Stupid stands. The wood ones are too short and the iron ones kinda make me nervous (glass + LR + 160lbs of water + anything else = heavy).. I've seen some beautiful handmade ones on here though, in the show-off threads. mm.

Were you the guy I actually talked to or someone else?

And this is off-topic, but does anyone else have Java problems when viewing this site or replying to forum posts? I get two pop-up boxes about cert errors and whatnot, and then every time I reply, when I go to type something in the search bar, it types in backwards. No, I'm serious. Backwards.