Thoughts on Kole Tang?

Good luck man I think you will love it.
The bologna joke warning- there really was a guy on rc arguing that his achilles was healthy and fat because it would eat chicken nuggets with him. It was rescued/bought by another member and regained color and activity once on a real fish diet. No joke. I believe it may even be in the achilles thread at the top of the reef fishes forum there.
Have had one for 3 years in my 90 gallon. A joy to watch. As others say, constantly swimming looking for algae. Has to go in an established tank with algae and must feed nori.
I would be more concerned with a powder brown than a kole. Then again, I would be most concerned with putting more than one tang in a 75G. Not to play "tang police", but one is enough in most any tank smaller than a 125, IMO.
Have had a a yellow and kole tank in 90 for three years and they have done well together. Plenty of room to swim in the 4 ft tank.
I think it's pushing it even in a 90, but I'm sure we'll find MANY opinions around here on that subject! :) Maybe you should just keep one in the 75 and one in the 90? Or is that the plan?
Got him today. Acclimated and chilling in 30gallon QT tub after a FW Methylene blue dip. Very cool fish, seems very smart and I think he already recognizes me, not like my blue jaw that took a month to recognize me.

Best part, $23.99, just a few bucks more than clownfish.
And he's dead. Noticed a few spots of ich when I got home last night. Bumped the temp from 78.5 to 80 over 2 hours and went to bed thinking I'd find medicine in the morning (no stores open Sunday night at 9pm). A/C wasn't working this morning so I spent the day waiting for the a/c guy; it was a relatively cool day and neither tank got over 80.5 today. He looked better today, no ich spots but a bit of a swollen mouth, so I went out to look for some medicine this evening, just got back and he was floating around the tank. Bummer...
Great algae cleaner. Very active fish and has a pretty good personality. Great for a reef tank.
I ALMOST bought a Powder Brown at the local Petco in a similar situation. Fat, no signs of problems, eating plenty... $22.99.

I was concerned about the Petco reputation, but I QT my fish so I wasn't too worried... truth be told I went back the next day to get him and someone had bought him.

Sorry things turned out the way they did.
BroncoXpress;358007 wrote: Great algae cleaner. Very active fish and has a pretty good personality. Great for a reef tank.

^^^ Reading comprehension fail ^^^


I will probably try another one, just not for a while.