Tips on getting a fish to eat?


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I recently purchased a Potter's Angel. I have it in a 10g QT tank. It has been in QT since Saturday afternoon. All the lvls in the QT are fine. And it is out swimming around and all as long as no one is near the tank. If it sees you it will retreat into the pvc. I have tried frozen mysis, brine, cyclops and a frozen formula one. I have also tried pellets and cyclop-eeze flakes. And it still won't eat, that I have seen. The frozen food that I have I put Seachem Vitality, Sera Fishtamin, Zoe and Seachem Garlic Guard. I am about out of ideas. I am trying to find live brine to give that a shot but have yet to find any at the store close to my house.

Any suggestions or tricks that you all have used to get new fish to eat?

Add a peice of LR to the tank. The potters should pick at the rock and eat that way.

Live brine is always a good way too if you find some.
You might try live brine or live baby brine.

Fish may accept live foods more easily.
Fish scales has live brine every few weeks. I just got some last week. I think they are out now, but would not hurt to call and ask when they might have more in. I would give you some but my fish ate the last of them yesterday.
Thanks Glenn. I had checked with Chris on Monday and he said he was getting some in soon. It hasn't come in yet so I was unsure what else to do. I will add the LR and keep checking for the live brine. How long can they go without a decent meal?
He can go a good week to two without a meal. After that, he is pushing it IMHO... With that said, I do not feed much in QT. 1) It pollutes the water. 2) the fish eats it which causes more waste and pollutes the water. 3) Many fish will not eat well until they get situated.

I would siphon out ALL the old food you can to keep the water quality up. Then I would turn out the lights for most to the day. Maybe turn them on for 4 hours a day. Give the fish time to relax, get situated, and get hungry. Then try little bits of food a bit at a time. When feeding, I would start off with a LITTLE bit of Prime reef flakes, if that does not work. Try a LITTLE bit of frozen brine. If that does not work, then go to petsmart and get a brine kit and try to hatch your own. If that does not work, try a piece of LR light Raj suggests. If that does not work, give me a call and I make a home-made food that I have not seen anything not be tempted to eat.
andregarcia_73;251382 wrote: Yeah Chris hooked me up with some of Brandon's home made food and fish LOVE IT! Never stirred me the wrong way! Got finicky tangs to eat cause of that stuff. Its my backup/emergancy food!

If I was smart, I would start to sell that stuff... Everyone tank goes nuts for it from what I hear!!!
Thanks for the info guys. :up: I thought about the excess food polluting the water today. I saw that there were some extra pellets floating around and syphoned all those and did another water change. My wife said she thought she saw it eatting so... I will keep and eye on it and see how it goes. It seems to be getting more and more at home. Was out swimming around and such more today. Guess it takes them some time to get used to swimming in a glass box as opposed to the ocean. :lol2:
jgilley84;251487 wrote: hey barndon if its as good as they say i would buy some to lol no joke

I am thinking... Times are tough and I need a new job. I think my food is much better then what Rod puts in "Rod's food". So as such, maybe I should start bagging my food and selling it. I already make one medicated for Ich and one non-medicated. Everyone seems to love it.... Hummmm.... My wheels are turning now.

Maybe $8 for three oz and $15 for six oz...

Now to come up with a name and a logo!!! ;)
Brazilian;251714 wrote: Or you can go: the Presidential meal

Only for the next 27 days, 6 hours, 33 minutes and 21 seconds... But who is counting?!?
Unless you were talking about the national presidental stuff... "Food you can believe in!"