Trace Elements - Tropic Marin?


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I am about to run out of my kent trace elements bottle and have been shopping around for something with high conc. of strontium and molybdenum for my increasing sps coral population. I have heard tropic marin noted for some other quality products, but don't know about there K+ and A- trace element formula. Anyone use this product or can recommend another?
well i did some more detailed research and found my answers. looks like no one had tried it anyway, but thanks for looking. I am going to go with the seachem reef plus and my b-ionic 2-part calcium.
It's just hard to find the time with school to read through all the junk sometimes in this hobby especially during finals week, but i'm very appreciative of the patience and knowledge share on this site and I will be posting some pics and progress of my sps adventure for the newbies and college kids without the ever so vital high income. Man that was a run on sentence like crazy, im need sleep for tests.
I personally do not use trace elements and just rely on waterchanges. I do dose 2 part when I remember. I pretty much keep nanos now under 30g but when I kept larger tanks I used the red sea trace.

Now, is that better. You wont seem crazy when you reply now:)
i have found the same with my 19 gallon and this 30. I normally dont add anything other than 2-part, an occasional figi gold powder, and feeding. They have always done well, but that was with primarily brains, leathers, mushrooms, kenya tree, anemones, etc. This is my first sps dominated tank and felt the stony corals may need some additional supplements to keep their color and grow faster. If i only need to add the reef plus, the expense and maintence would be minimal and worth a try. right? glad to see im not alone, or am I.......Thanks