Trying to help my bubble tip


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Augusta, GA
So I have a tank at the time was 3 weeks old~ well I got a bubble tip and put him in he kinda would do bad and then good but he hasn’t let his arms out in about a week ( I’ve had him for about 2~3 weeks now) and I can’t get him to eat any shrimp... help added a timeline of pics.


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He definitely doesn’t look happy. What are the parameters? Especially temp and salinity; and what do you use to measure them?
Also, BTAs are photosynthetic and don’t need supplemental feedings like shrimp. The light alone is good enough. But you are correct in concluding something is making it unhappy.
How long has your tank been up and running? What else is in there? Other BTAs?
A three week old tank is very early for a Nem of any kind. Is the tank cycled?

Most would recommend waiting six months at the minimum before adding Nems to a tank. Like Andrew said they get most of their energy from light and not food. So you need fairly good lighting to keep them. The six month part is for the tank to mature some as they need very good water quality.

With a tank that young it would probably be a good idea to take it back to the store or re-home it locally in hopes of saving it.
I gotta get a test kit cuz apparently the strips are no good.. tried to sell it nobody want it and the lfs didn’t take it back so ima just keep it he’s been seeming to do okay for about 2 weeks I had him I think he start to split last night.
Or better at least

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If it dies in the tank there's a good chance it will kill everything else in the tank if you don't get it out quickly.

Being new you picked one of the hardest things to keep in a new tank. It's not entirely your fault, the store should have helped educate you more. If they won't take it back for store credit I hope you have other stores to choose from.

You haven't answered whether or not the tank is cycled.
Only the brown algae I haven’t been thru the hair algae stage

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Cycling a tank is referring to the growth of nitrifying bacteria populations. The growth of algae is something that occurs often in this process.

Did you see ammonia levels grow and then decrease to zero? Is the nitrite concentration currently zero? Is Nitrate non-zero? If the 3 answers are yes, yes, and yes... then yes, you are cycled!
Also, you still didn’t answer the most important questions; What are your temperature and salinity? And how did you measure them?

This simple question addresses the vast majority of tank issues I’ve seen over the years, especially in new tanks.