
Carefully. 😜

Are you planning on keeping all the same rock? Adding new rock as well? Do you currently have sand? Is the tank going in the same exact location?

Do you have specific questions about the transfer or just looking for general advice?
Bought new sand, but using all existing live rock, and existing sump. Tank will be in same room, only about 6 ft from existing. Specific questions are do I need to cycle new tank or can I just use as much of existing water, live rock .
pops gave some solid advice. Only thing I would add is maybe pick up some bacteria in a bottle and maybe some prime in case there is some die off, but I don't think those things would be necessary.
Whenever I do an upgrade or tank swap, I always end up having what I call a mini-cycle. Do you have corals is the current tank? As long as you keep the bioload the same, there shouldn't be a big issue unless you've got a lot of fish. You're losing a lot of beneficial bacteria and this can be supplemented by bacteria in a bottle. You'll still have some of the "new tank uglies" going this route so don't think something is really wrong when you start seeing diatoms or GHA. Tank swaps and upgrades are the only time I really ever test for ammonia on a regular basis and I've found the cheap API kits sufficient. If I were you, I'd also get one of Seachem's Ammonia badges just so you can constantly monitor it.