Vodka Dosing Questionnaire and opinion.


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First for the questionnaire-

<li>How much are you dosing daily</li>
<li>Total system volume</li>
<li>Stocking levels</li>
<li>Feedings? (light - Moderate - Heavy)</li>
<li>What methodology did you begin Vodka dosing?</li>
<li>How long did it take you to find your maintenance amount?</li>
Opinion Piece-

I'll start off the opinion saga of this thread with a short explanation of why I posted this. First and foremost I've been thinking of carbon dosing for years in an effort to control excess nutrients. Not because of lazy husbandry practices but rather a fish list that always seems to exceed by volume the recommendations of my tank as well as coral that I personally believe looks and fares much better adequately or even gluttonously overfed.

In any event my single biggest worry was my travel schedule and because of it the need to rely on my girlfriend to watch over, feed and then possibly administer another delicate and strict daily tank operation.

Taking all of this into consideration I broke down and decided to come up with a way to put this in to motion as well as test her understanding in a relative beta session. I setup a 90 gallon test tank with some odds and ends things in it to mirror the daily efforts of an establish reef. I then made her write everything down she was doing it and compared it with what I'd asked and showed her. I purposefully allowed her to go a week with out making any changes to what she had interpreted from me.

Like most things goes in my household, I was right :eek:. She had missed judge my instructions and instead of administering .2 ml day 1-3 and then subsequently .4ml days 4-7. She did 2ml and 4ml for those days. As I shake my head in justification of doing this little exercise. I realize she may have unexpectantly skipped two months of redundant checking attempting to find the sweet spot and target zone for carbon dosing. As her No3 is starting to stabilize while mine in the same size tank under the original plan continues to climb higher and higher.

Again, as far as opinions go which this long story may have lead you to forget there was an intention of one. I know "overdosing" a carbon source can create a breeding ground for <span style="color: #000000;">pathogenic bacteria? But surely at this dose after 3 days and no ill effects she should be able to continue administering as if she has followed the plan adopted by RHF outline on"></a> ? No? Any other side effects besides a pathogenic bacteria bloom I should worry about that still could rear it's ugly face? </span>

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I tried it and saw no difference in anything after 8 months and stopped.

Was dosing 15 ml of 100 proof a day on a 480g system, gradually built up over 6 months and stopped at 15 because of how much I was dosing and seeing no results. Stock levels were medium, feeding levels is a TON. 3 feedings of pellets a day and one time clouding the tank with frozen.

Through the whole process my nitrates stayed in the 2-3 range, where they still are.

At this point Im just going to not bother with anything as 3 mg/L isnt enough to worry about. If it gets higher then 10 ill put the sulfur denitrator back on.
EnderG60;1010615 wrote: I tried it and saw no difference in anything after 8 months and stopped.

Was dosing 15 ml of 100 proof a day on a 480g system, gradually built up over 6 months and stopped at 15 because of how much I was dosing and seeing no results. Stock levels were medium, feeding levels is a TON. 3 feedings of pellets a day and one time clouding the tank with frozen.

Through the whole process my nitrates stayed in the 2-3 range, where they still are.

At this point Im just going to not bother with anything as 3 mg/L isnt enough to worry about. If it gets higher then 10 ill put the sulfur denitrator back on.

I'm kinda gathering the starting points of recommendations to carbon, specifically Vodka are incredibly low.

In another thread of another forum RHF makes this comment in reference to an overdose accident of 120ml of vodka,
Randy Holmes-Farley wrote: "<span style="color: #000000">FWIW, I dose this much organic carbon to my 120 every day without problems. Maybe 120-250 mL of vinegar or 20-30 mL of vodka, or some combo, or both, for example. I don't really understand why some folks have issues with it and some do not. </span>" alt="" />" [/QUOTE]

Leads me to believe the threshold is much higher and the ability to increase faster or start higher is there. If only more understanding were present to fully grasp the workings. Really do not want to replicate in my tank due to the unknown however I think I could skip quite a bit of steps and achieve the same results.
I am a big proponent of vodka dosing. I used to do it until I got lazy and stopped. I recently started again on my 40gallon total water volume system. When I first started, I followed the diagram cited above to the T and had great success. When I restarted, I skipped all the small increments and started at 2.5mil per day. after a week I doubled it. I am now around eight and intend to stay where I am for my maintenance dose. My favorite part is I feel like I feed a ton more than I should, and the hair algae I had when I started dosing again is all but gone.
How much are you dosing daily: 10ml
Total system volume: 440G
Stocking levels: Heavy (30+ fishes)
Feedings? (light - Moderate - Heavy): Heavy
What methodology did you begin Vodka dosing?: manual (starting with 1ml and increase to 10ml over 6 months and maintain at that level)
How long did it take you to find your maintenance amount?: about 6 months

I have great results from vodka dosing and recently switched over to biopellet and the verdict is still out
koifour;1010619 wrote: How much are you dosing daily: 10ml
Total system volume: 440G
Stocking levels: Heavy (30+ fishes)
Feedings? (light - Moderate - Heavy): Heavy
What methodology did you begin Vodka dosing?: manual (starting with 1ml and increase to 10ml over 6 months and maintain at that level)
How long did it take you to find your maintenance amount?: about 6 months

I have great results from vodka dosing and recently switched over to biopellet and the verdict is still out

What made you ultimately switch to biopellet?
Declanisadog;1010617 wrote: I am a big proponent of vodka dosing. I used to do it until I got lazy and stopped. I recently started again on my 40gallon total water volume system. When I first started, I followed the diagram cited above to the T and had great success. When I restarted, I skipped all the small increments and started at 2.5mil per day. after a week I doubled it. I am now around eight and intend to stay where I am for my maintenance dose. My favorite part is I feel like I feed a ton more than I should, and the hair algae I had when I started dosing again is all but gone.

I'm beginning to feel as the slow and steady is mass paranoia founded principally on small select horror stories. Don't get me wrong, carbon ran amuck certainly has the ability to cause problems. I'm just not so sure the recommended starting nor ramping is anything but insanely ultra uber cautious.

In any event, I'm following the sheep he he because I am insanely ultra uber cautious lol
DawgFace;1010673 wrote: I'm beginning to feel as the slow and steady is mass paranoia founded principally on small select horror stories. Don't get me wrong, carbon ran amuck certainly has the ability to cause problems. I'm just not so sure the recommended starting nor ramping is anything but insanely ultra uber cautious.

In any event, I'm following the sheep he he because I am insanely ultra uber cautious lol

I don't blame you. As I said, the first time I did it, I was over the top cautious. When I started back, I was on the brink of wanting to break my tank down anyway, so I just went for it.

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I'm currently vodka dosing and have been doing so on my 93g cube. I'm slowly seeing a reduction of nitrates.

I've been following the .5mls for 25g of water. Increasing the amount by .5 every week while monitoring the nitrate level. Once I see it bottom out to zero, I will cut the current dose in half and that will be my maintenance dose.
Sn4k33y3z;1010679 wrote: I'm currently vodka dosing and have been doing so on my 93g cube. I'm slowly seeing a reduction of nitrates.

I've been following the .5mls for 25g of water. Increasing the amount by .5 every week while monitoring the nitrate level. Once I see it bottom out to zero, I will cut the current dose in half and that will be my maintenance dose.

How long have you been at it?
Declanisadog;1010678 wrote: I don't blame you. As I said, the first time I did it, I was over the top cautious. When I started back, I was on the brink of wanting to break my tank down anyway, so I just went for it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I can certainly see myself doing that if I find my main tank to accept approximately the same as my girlfriends. Will kinda prove what both of us see, at least in my head.
Huge fan of VD. Turned my 90 gallon around. Been using V for over a year. My maintenance dose is 3-3.5ml a day to keep N in the 1.5-2 range. Any lower and my corals are not as happy. I feed a moderate amount with a average bio load.

When you do WC do you not vacum your sand?? It will remove a lot of crap. I will pull it up in the plastic tube then kinda pinch the hose so the sand falls back down but the fine particulants continues on to the waste water collection. It took about 3-4 months for my dosing to stabilize and find that sweet spot. Your mileage may very but you need to vacum your sand bed.
I dose 4ml in a 110G water volume. Been doing it nearly 2 years. Kept me in the hobby.
Mikesmith34;1010701 wrote: Huge fan of VD. Turned my 90 gallon around. Been using V for over a year. My maintenance dose is 3-3.5ml a day to keep N in the 1.5-2 range. Any lower and my corals are not as happy. I feed a moderate amount with a average bio load.

When you do WC do you not vacum your sand?? It will remove a lot of crap. I will pull it up in the plastic tube then kinda pinch the hose so the sand falls back down but the fine particulants continues on to the waste water collection. It took about 3-4 months for my dosing to stabilize and find that sweet spot. Your mileage may very but you need to vacum your sand bed.

Personally I vacuum the sand and rocks thoroughly with a 30% water change. Additionally once a month I remove half a bag of sand and replace while also cleaning out the sump with the shop vac.

My problem is I love to feed. I target feed coral 3-4 times a week, broadcast cyclopees twice a week, broadcast feed fish twice daily.
For your schedule, I'd use something more automated like a sulfur denitrator. I've spec'd them in some large projects with tremendous results. One client is saving thousands with the salt and water/sewer savings (he's the only one who's taken the time to monitor and track everything!).
I have a bottle of vodka under my stand now. When I dosed carbon and ran GFO I had hardly any algae. GFO only I'm getting brownish stuff on the sand and greenish stuff on the rocks. PO4 at .01-.03 and nitrates undetectable.

I've heard that you shouldn't carbon dose and run GFO though I admit I don't understand why. Might get back into dosing soon though before we start traveling. If it works I'll buy a dosing pump for it.
RedStang;1010825 wrote: I have a bottle of vodka under my stand now. When I dosed carbon and ran GFO I had hardly any algae. GFO only I'm getting brownish stuff on the sand and greenish stuff on the rocks. PO4 at .01-.03 and nitrates undetectable.

I've heard that you shouldn't carbon dose and run GFO though I admit I don't understand why. Might get back into dosing soon though before we start traveling. If it works I'll buy a dosing pump for it.

Only reason I think you shouldn't run GFO and vodka would be the waste in money on GFO. Can't think scientifically why it would have any chemistry bearing.

As for doing pumps. I just picked up the new Apex DOS pump yesterday at Pure Reef for Cal and Alk. I am absolutely beside myself how easy and accurate this thing is. Tomorrow I'll be picking up another one strictly for Vodka and leaving the 4th open to ideas of mine down the line.
Skriz;1010791 wrote: For your schedule, I'd use something more automated like a sulfur denitrator. I've spec'd them in some large projects with tremendous results. One client is saving thousands with the salt and water/sewer savings (he's the only one who's taken the time to monitor and track everything!).

I have one but believe it or not water changes and tank maintenance is something I enjoy about the hobby..... Of course that's relative to the size of tank. On my 450 I had previously I almost quit entirely because of it, way way too much for me.
DawgFace;1010876 wrote: Only reason I think you shouldn't run GFO and vodka would be the waste in money on GFO. Can't think scientifically why it would have any chemistry bearing.

As for doing pumps. I just picked up the new Apex DOS pump yesterday at Pure Reef for Cal and Alk. I am absolutely beside myself how easy and accurate this thing is. Tomorrow I'll be picking up another one strictly for Vodka and leaving the 4th open to ideas of mine down the line.

Yeah, thought I read something about some side affect if they're run together. Have to go digging again I guess.

As for the DOS, I use one for my AWC and it is truly awesome for that. Not sure I'm ready to spend that much again to dose the vodka though. At least, not with my father-in-law doser right across the street :lol2:

Yesterday at Pure Reef? 5ish? I thought that was you but it's been, what, close to 5 years since we met at the other store? Should have walked up and asked anyway. Shame on me if that was you!