Want a new fish. Need suggestions.


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Sorry for posting this again. I posted it in the wrong area....

I have a 5 foot 120 that's been up and running for a little over 6 months since I transferred everything from my 75 gallon that was up for a year.

I haven't added a new fish in a while particularly because I have no idea what I really would want to add. I figured I'd post here and get some suggestions.

Current stock list:
Powder Blue Tang
Orange Shoulder Tang
Yellow Tang
Sailfin Tang
Bicolor fox face
2 orange percula clowns
3 Chromis (the 4th jumped out and I'm hesitant to add more because it could throw off their hierarchy. Advice?)
1 starry blenny
1 purple psuedochromis
1 purple and yellow psuedochromis

I have a nice stocking but I feel as though I'm missing one "centerpiece" type fish and I can't put my finger on it.

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Here's some of my favorites. I've had the first two and loved their character in my reef tank. The third selection, never had one; but always wanted to get one.

Bicolor Blenny

Mandarin Goby

I've always wanted one of these:
Tanaka's Pygmy Wrasse

Not sure if these would be compatible with your current setup. Maybe others can chime in. Important note: Mandarin Goby requires an amble supply of pods (live food). Make sure your tank has been cycled for a while and you will probably have to purchase pods every other month. This is dependent on whom is consuming the pods beside a mandarin goby.

You've already got 5 big fish (or able to get big) plus some smaller ones. IMO pass on any more fish. The sailfin and orange shoulder will already get huge.
Sounds like a full house to me. How's the aggression level?

JennM;1107597 wrote: Sounds like a full house to me. How's the aggression level?


Every now and then the Orange shoulder will nah the powder blue for a split second and then continue about his day. The only other source of aggression in the tank is between the two psuedochromis. They hate each other but have plenty of room to spread out so it's okay.

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maybe a goby pistol pair? won't really get in anybody's way, but very fun to watch! and there's such a variety of different gobies.
The goby pistol pair seems pretty interesting after reading up on it. I also considered a leopard wrasse pair but I absolutely have no space to do a proper QT on them and I dont want to take that risk. As it stands, I probably won't add anything because the tank is fairly full. Thanks for the input guys!

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Well, new development as of yesterday. My powder blue died :(. I m pretty sure it was as a result of being stressed senseless by the orange shoulder who had started to become more aggressive towards the powder blue (to the point where he'd chase the powder blue away from food). I think that ultimately led to the PB not eating enough and passing.

He was definitely my favorite fish in the tank and I am heart broken that I lost him but, with every closed door another one opens. After some thought, I think I am going to sell or trade in the orange shoulder and get a Naso Tang and an Achilles in exchange. Any thoughts on that?
tcampbell23;1109551 wrote: Well, new development as of yesterday. My powder blue died :(. I m pretty sure it was as a result of being stressed senseless by the orange shoulder who had started to become more aggressive towards the powder blue (to the point where he'd chase the powder blue away from food). I think that ultimately led to the PB not eating enough and passing.

He was definitely my favorite fish in the tank and I am heart broken that I lost him but, with every closed door another one opens. After some thought, I think I am going to sell or trade in the orange shoulder and get a Naso Tang and an Achilles in exchange. Any thoughts on that?

Since he got away with it once, he's probably going to try again with another tank member. Personally, I would get rid of him. Then, I would then follow the advice given earlier from JennM related to the "Full House". I trust any advice given by JennM. I wouldn't put any others in that tank. If you want more fish, I would go bigger on the tank size before I'd consider more fish. Even with that, you need to be careful when the neighborhood starts to get "crowded" in. Just my 1/2 cent.

tcampbell23;1109551 wrote: Well, new development as of yesterday. My powder blue died :(. I m pretty sure it was as a result of being stressed senseless by the orange shoulder who had started to become more aggressive towards the powder blue (to the point where he'd chase the powder blue away from food). I think that ultimately led to the PB not eating enough and passing.

He was definitely my favorite fish in the tank and I am heart broken that I lost him but, with every closed door another one opens. After some thought, I think I am going to sell or trade in the orange shoulder and get a Naso Tang and an Achilles in exchange. Any thoughts on that?

So... you lost a fish due to over crowding so you plan to keep it that way and expect it to get better.
So far the general consensus is my tank was too full too begin with. I still want either an Achilles or a naso so I guess I'll just get one or the other after I trade the Orange Shoulder in.

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