Water clarity and Cyano fix


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This is a thread I came across on R2R
Cleared this to make sure it was OK to link. I've found some threads on here that have involved the topic but this one gives the formula and how to for DIY "coral snow". Used as described it will clear your water and there is a cyano formula as well.

Bottle with lid or container with lid...I used a liter plastic bottle

500 ml batch:
425-450 ml rodi water
10 level tablespoons of calcium carbonate
Shake well
Let sit for 2 hours

Ready to use

I ordered this from amazon


Clean glass, turkey baste rockwork, change water/siphon sand..whatever gets some particles in the water.
I just cleaned my glass and blew out rockwork for starters

Turn off main pump/sump

5ml of diy per 50 gallons, it says there's no need to worry about an overdose

Leave powerheads on to blow mixture around tank for about 30 minutes.

Turn on main pump and skimmer
I added filter floss to my filter socks to get all the bound particulates quickly

You can use filter floss if you don't have a skimmer

Water should be crystal clear within a couple hours.

The cyano treatment is the same except you add 10 drops of microbacter 7 or another bacteria or amino per 5 ml of diy.

This is just a quick overview. The details are far better explained in the thread but thought I would share.

My water was already pretty clear but I have a small bit of cyano on the sand.

No ill effect on any coral..sps, softies, lps, euphyllia. Others have clams and they are fine too.

First pic is about 20 minutes after dosing..it was a good bit cloudier at first.


No parameter swing or level change..ph went down .5 but I think it was just because my sump was off..back up right after
Tank Cleared in about an hour

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The fish got a little noid at first when it was super cloudy but were fine In a few minutes. My sps didn't even retract polyps..or at least as soon as I could see they were out
This is a better look a few minutes after with whites on adding after water change


Added an aquamaxx hob from another tank to aid in removal for a day or two today
I just did my third day in a row. 2 days before my water change and today after water change. Just working on the cyano before it became a problem. Will cut to once a week when the problem appears to be gone, it's already looking better. OP said this could take a couple of weeks for the cyano but mine isn't bad.
I have no pests. Added 2.5ml solution midnight last night. Woke up to this:


Little more clear than normal id say. Now I'm gonna check nitrates and phosphates out of his key out of curiosity. Fish and corals all seem fantastic.

2 more:

Ok, here is my take. On my main display, not much change but no impact to fish, clams, mushrooms, and the few acro frags I have. However, I do run 100 micron filter sock and purigen all the time, so I didn’t expect any change.

the biggest impact was my smaller tank where I have glass algae that comes back every 2-3 days after scraping it off. So I did the dose when I scraped the glass and my glass has been amazingly cleaner for the past 4 days. Pretty awesome stuff! No impact to zoas or anemones.
Also, I noticed. Mine did not get very cloudy after dosing. Maybe I don't have much of the stuff in my water column that it reacts with... ???
Also, I noticed. Mine did not get very cloudy after dosing. Maybe I don't have much of the stuff in my water column that it reacts with... ???
I usually give it a good shake before I put it in. It says to try and blow out rocks and stuff to suspend any loose particles. Even if you don't though it still pretty cloudy for a minute