Way to go Salifert!!! - Flatworm Exit


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I dosed my tank today with Slaifert's Flatworm Exit......all I have to say is WOW!!!!

It says it takes thirty minutes to start working; try 30 seconds! I spent the last two days siphoning out flatworms and today I finally dosed.....

I siphoned out the flatworms as they were dying and and right now it's 4 hours later and I still have not seen a single flatworm in the tank. I'm sure there has to be a couple left but compared to the thousands I had before it's truly unbelievable.....

My tank looked like somebody had dropped red glitter in it during the first few minutes of treatment and that was after siphoning out hundreds of them over the last two days.....It was scary to see how many of them there were.....but now......so far all gone!

I'll keep you guys posted over the next couple of days and let you know how it's holding up......
keep up with waterchanges over the next few days... theres alot of dieoff with treatment so keep an eye on your chem levels.
I would strongly suggest using a poly filter also. Dead flatworms can leach VERY toxic products into the water.
Is it really true that Flatworm Exit does not harm any other organisms in the tank? Inverts? Pods? Shrimps? Scallops? etc.
Yes but as mentioned, the flatworms themselves are nasty nasty dudes! You don't want mass dieoff without siphoning out and carbon and water changes. If directions are followed the stuff is fine. There has been death from the worm goo though many times.
Yeah, Salifert emphasizes that you MUST follow the directions thoroughly...which I did.....

Basically, the medicine will not affect anything else but when Flatworms die they release a very toxic mucus looking thing....the first time I siphoned them out I siphoned them all into a media bag just to see the amount (i should have taken a picture so you guys could see....it was insane) and the media bag turned a rust color from the toxin.

If you don't siphon them out immediately as they start to die, the toxins can and will kill other things in the tank.

Also, I had an extra Penguin Bio-wheel filter that I loaded up with about 1lb 1/2 of fresh carbon and I started it about ten minutes into the treatment to help remove toxins....

So far everything is doing really well....I've counted a total of 8 flatworms in the tank....there are obviously more, but I can't see them and therefore nothing like the numbers pre-treatment....I am going to do another small dose later today....