Well its official...HELP!!!


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I have purchased ich from a LFS. I know its probably my fault for being unexperienced in the hobby and not seeing the ich on the angel when I bought it. I wasnt sure at first but now i know for sure the fish i bought had it. Its a coral beauty angel, also my fav. fish got it from the angel. Its a hippo tang. I DON'T have a QT, and i have a reef so i cant treat them in my tank. What should I do?????? This is my first problem with SW so i have no idea what to do. Should I call the lfs and see if I can bring them in? Or does anyone have a tank laying around that i could use for a QT. Once i get a QT up and running then what???? :help:
You can probably get away with a 10 gallon QT. They are about $10 at most stores. Run decent powerhead in the QT or a hang on back power filter. There are a several ways to treat ich. You can go with hypo-salinity, medications, fresh water dips or a couple of others. The first to that i mentioned require a QT and are probably the best options.
Showtime305 wrote: You can probably get away with a 10 gallon QT. They are about $10 at most stores. Run decent powerhead in the QT or a hang on back power filter. There are a several ways to treat ich. You can go with hypo-salinity, medications, fresh water dips or a couple of others. The first to that i mentioned require a QT and are probably the best options.

Okay pillz has a 20 gallon im gonna pic up tomorrow. What do you recomend i do first? And how do i do it, lol i have no idea.
Showtime305 wrote: You can probably get away with a 10 gallon QT. They are about $10 at most stores. Run decent powerhead in the QT or a hang on back power filter. There are a several ways to treat ich. You can go with hypo-salinity, medications, fresh water dips or a couple of others. The first to that i mentioned require a QT and are probably the best options.

Okay pillz has a 20 gallon im gonna pic up tomorrow. What do you recomend i do first? And how do i do it, lol i have no idea. I get my water from the lfs.
You should use about 20 gallons of water or as much as possible from your main tank. This will prevent further stress. Don't forget you will need a heater and powerhead for water circulation. You may also want to place some PVC pipes in the tank for your fish to hide. Both of those fish love to take refuge in rocks and corals for safety so you want to provide a comfortable stress free environment for them. Be prepared to do several water changes on the QT tank during treatment.

Next you need to choose which treatment you would like to use.
Showtime305 wrote: You should use about 20 gallons of water or as much as possible from your main tank. This will prevent further stress. Don't forget you will need a heater and powerhead for water circulation. You may also want to place some PVC pipes in the tank for your fish to hide. Both of those fish love to take refuge in rocks and corals for safety so you want to provide a comfortable stress free environment for them. Be prepared to do several water changes on the QT tank during treatment.

Next you need to choose which treatment you would like to use.

Perfect got it... Hit me with a treatment... I'll do what ever i have to.
Read both of these links. They talk about the different treatment options.

Since there are several option. You should read around the net to find which options works for you. I'm sure some people on here will tune in to help also. Let us know which one you choose and we will do our best to help.
Showtime305 wrote: Since there are several option. You should read around the net to find which options works for you. I'm sure some people on here will tune in to help also. Let us know which one you choose and we will do our best to help.

AJ great thanks so much for your help! Im going to start this tomorrow the fun part will be taking all the rock out so i can catch my tang lol. wish me luck, im going to need it!
Showtime305 wrote: Good luck. I have spent 2 hours and removed 90lbs or rock trying to catch a damsel.

:cheers: lol that will be me tomorrow
Zanski wrote: AJ great thanks so much for your help! Im going to start this tomorrow the fun part will be taking all the rock out so i can catch my tang lol. wish me luck, im going to need it!

have u seen the video on Evan catching his tang?? funny stuff

This may be the right link....

or try this for a direct
It is really funny and definately not easy to catch fish in a reef tank.
Soak you food in Garlic Guard. The fish love it and the parasites don't. This will encourage the fish to eat. I think the garlic gets into the bloodstream and causes the parasites to drop in search of another host.
Soak your frozen food in a garlic does nothing to the parasite, it done to boost the immune system of the infected fish.
okay i have them in a 10 gallon qt gonna start treating tonight. I got some garlic from publix, my LFS didnt have garlic guard can i use store garlic? or should i just wait to find some garlic guard...
Well 48 hours in the book. They already look alot better, they seem spunky again, they love the garlic by the way! How long should i keep them in the qt, treating them?