What are the wierdest things you .....

That thread explains what it is.

I've found all kinds of stuff over the years. This was a very odd one, and I never did see the source of it:

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I found a Peppermint Snail too:
[IMG]http://www.melevsreef.com/id/peppermint_snail.jpg alt="" />

I recently found this horrible worm:

[IMG]http://melevsreef.com/pics/08/06/badworm_2.jpg alt="" />

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It eats snails and clams. I've captured three so far from my reef, and they are all at least 8 to 10" long, if not longer.

I found this in my Caulerpa:

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I found this in my overflow:

[IMG]http://www.melevsreef.com/id/other/lg_flatworm2.jpg alt="" />

I found these on my Tyree A. valida (AEFW)

[IMG]http://www.melevsreef.com/id/aefw.jpg alt="" />

Those are just a few I've seen. Oh, and one night I saw these cute tiny angels swimming in my tank:


Turns out they were Peppermint Shrimp babies!
I keep finding all kinds of brittle starfish in my tank. I dont understand where they are all comming from. I have never bought on. I have even found them in my seahorse tank. And nothing has been moved from the big tank that tank.
Well, it's technically live, but not really. But its weird nonetheless.

I was layin on my couch, looking at the seahorse tank, and I noticed that one piece of rock looked weird. Then it hit me- it looks just like a seahorse head! In my seahorse tank!!!

Im gonna go play the lottery!

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GA-PEACHES72;233528 wrote: Will that be the <span style="color: red;">seahores</span> lottery? That is neat.

Yeah, I think I might be entering THAT</em> lottery!!!
You guys won't belive what I found in my tank. It has got to be one of the nastiest creatures that could ever live in a home aqaurium. Uglier than sin and smelly too!

flyingarmy;233542 wrote: You guys won't belive what I found in my tank. It has got to be one of the nastiest creatures that could ever live in a home aqaurium. Uglier than sin and smelly too!


YES!!! Testify!