What are these bubbles in the tank.


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Not sure what the bubbles are but I see them in the tank and it looks like it is covering two of my fish. One is a blue hippo tang and the other is a dottyback I believe. Please advise, is there something wrong with my tank? I have 15 fish, these two look to have this on them the most. I notice the very small bubbles floating in the water.

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it looks like it could be ich but the photos arent close enough for me to be 100% sure
Blue regals are ich magnets. The best thing to can do is feed quality food and there shouldn't be any issues in the future. You can also treat food with focus and metro. Ich doesn't really affect healthy well fed fish that much.

Oh, quality food like frozen, not pellets.
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I'd guess Ich for 2 reasons. 1) Tangs always get ich and 2) it's really common. The pics are pretty good but ich usually looks more like tiny white dots but I've seen them referred to as bubbles. The only way I've ever dealt with ich is by adding treatment to their food. How big is the tank? How old is the tank and how long have the fish been in?
Blue regals are ich magnets. The best thing to can do is feed quality food and there shouldn't be any issues in the future. You can also treat food with focus and metro. Ich doesn't really affect healthy well fed fish that much.

Oh, quality food like frozen, not pellets.
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Yes I use frozen food, I just bought the tang 3 days ago. My cardinals are fine, fire fish are fine, clowns seem fine, it's just these two fish. Do the blue tangs breath fast or does that mean this one might be really sick? How do I get rid of ICH?

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I'd guess Ich for 2 reasons. 1) Tangs always get ich and 2) it's really common. The pics are pretty good but ich usually looks more like tiny white dots but I've seen them referred to as bubbles. The only way I've ever dealt with ich is by adding treatment to their food. How big is the tank? How old is the tank and how long have the fish been in?
Tank size is 180 gallons 72 x 24 x24. Tank as been running close to two months. Have 15 fish , 4 crabs, 4 shrimp, 2 tiger conch, 2 snails, biggest fish is the Bristol tang.

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Tank size is 180 gallons 72 x 24 x24. Tank as been running close to two months. Have 15 fish , 4 crabs, 4 shrimp, 2 tiger conch, 2 snails, biggest fish is the Bristol tang.

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Also completed 80 percent water change last week. I had an anemone die and reduce to slim with a bad smell when I took it out. The small bubbles in the water disappeared and came back about 6 days later

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Fast breathing could be a sign of stress, or it could be normal behavior for that fish. It looks to be a medium size fish, it should be fine if you keep its belly full.

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Just make sure they're getting a good variety of food and look in to treating the food itself with something like focus. Are they white dots when you look at the closely or are they really bubbles? Also, how do the eyes look? I've seen brooklynella that looks a lot like ich but usually when they have the amount of spots your's do, their eyes will be cloudy.
Just make sure they're getting a good variety of food and look in to treating the food itself with something like focus. Are they white dots when you look at the closely or are they really bubbles? Also, how do the eyes look? I've seen brooklynella that looks a lot like ich but usually when they have the amount of spots your's do, their eyes will be cloudy.
Eyes are black, with what looks like bubbles on it. Also large amount of bubbles just in the water. Not sure if that is result of filtration or not. But it appeared 6 days after large water change.

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Definitely not Ich in my opinion. I’d be checking water perimeters and do another water change. Check filtration to make sure everything in running properly. The bubbles are coming from somewhere so if it’s not from your filters I’d be thinking it’s related to the dying Anemone. Which I’d do a few small water changes over the next few days. It sounds like a lot of fish added with an Anemone in a very short period of time. ‍
Also. I’m not sure but I’d check your skimmer is working and cleaned out. If it’s overflowing or being wonky it can cause bubbles to be brought up the return. If the Anemone dying released anything in the water it could have cause the skimmer to act up. Just something to double check
Tangs with white spots & rapid breathing have usually meant a parasitic infection of cryptocaryon or oodinium in my experience. Removal & treatment with a quinine based medicine, or chelated copper if that’s not available, is recommended. Time is probably of the essence! I take it you are not running a UV sterilizer, to control pathogens?

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Also completed 80 percent water change last week. I had an anemone die and reduce to slim with a bad smell when I took it out. The small bubbles in the water disappeared and came back about 6 days later

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It's real hard to see from any of the pics posted but if they're new fish that haven't been through QT my first reaction is Ich (cryptocaryon). Velvet (oodinium) is smaller white spots compared to Ich. The rapid breathing is from the parasite in their gills. If it's velvet Time is of the utmost importance and it will effect all the fish in the tank and they all will need to be treated in a QT tank with copper or Chloroquine phosphate ASAP (because neither med can be used in a reef tank). But I really think it's Ich and while not as fast a killer as Velvet you still need to act quickly.

The Fish need to be fed thawed frozen food with Seachem Focus & Metro added to the food. The sooner the better!. This will not be a full cure but it will kill the parasites attached to the fish and give them relief while limiting the damage done to their gills. I don't know what stores are open tomorrow with the holiday... I have both and will give you what I have but I'm in Duluth.
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Also. I’m not sure but I’d check your skimmer is working and cleaned out. If it’s overflowing or being wonky it can cause bubbles to be brought up the return. If the Anemone dying released anything in the water it could have cause the skimmer to act up. Just something to double check
Yes I broke it completely down and clean all of the parts during the 80 percent water change. But I do wonder if it is the skimmer.

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Tangs with white spots & rapid breathing have usually meant a parasitic infection of cryptocaryon or oodinium in my experience. Removal & treatment with a quinine based medicine, or chelated copper if that’s not available, is recommended. Time is probably of the essence! I take it you are not running a UV sterilizer, to control pathogens?

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No I dont have a UV. Bought one but it was a drop in and my system does no have that type of overflow.

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It's real hard to see from any of the pics posted but if they're new fish that haven't been through QT my first reaction is Ich (cryptocaryon). Velvet (oodinium) is smaller white spots compared to Ich. The rapid breathing is from the parasite in their gills. If it's velvet Time is of the utmost importance and it will effect all the fish in the tank and they all will need to be treated in a QT tank with copper or Chloroquine phosphate ASAP (because neither med can be used in a reef tank). But I really think it's Ich and while not as fast a killer as Velvet you still need to act quickly.

The Fish need to be fed thawed frozen food with Seachem Focus & Metro added to the food. The sooner the better!. This will not be a full cure but it will kill the parasites attached to the fish and give them relief while limiting the damage done to their gills. I don't know what stores are open tomorrow with the holiday... I have both and will give you what I have but I'm in Duluth.
I was hoping Nemo would be open tomorrow but not sure. I'm in Lawrenceville so not far from Duluth. I need to purchase a QT tank tomorrow. One I do, do I drain the entire main tank?

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