What has Alan been up to...

Is it a coincidence that the ammonia started to drop after you added the sand?

J/k. The sand isn't even seeded yet, but its a good omen!
I also saw my first pod today. That means the tank is going in the right direction. Sweet! Man this is a fun hobby if you have a bit of patience.
yeah the ammonia dropped with sand in there because its becoming a death bed already ;)
I mean some people are into having a death trap in their tank....its cool :)
The canopy is painted now. Whew, I tested my ammonia then did a 15 gallon wc. The ammonia is at .2 now. Almost there. LOL. Here is the one lonely pic from tonight. Hopefully the sanding goes well tomorrow so I can stain it Monday. Enjoy the pic.
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I'm finally finished with the Tank stand and canopy! Here are a few quick shots from today. The Purple Fire Fish and the Mated Pair of Black clowns are the first fishes in the 120. "Thanks Jin :)" The clowns are in the sump waiting for their RBTA it will be here Friday. "Thanks Lee :)" I am happy overall with the out come of this setup. I still need to hook up the Ca Reactor and the UV but it's going in the right direction.
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Now for the most important part!!! My big thanks goes out to: Lee for giving me a hand with the stand, and for the beautiful RBTA, Jin for the late nights moving rock, corals and the beautiful fishes, Simon for helping me with getting baffles cut for my sump and installing them, Darren for giving me a hand moving the stand around, Alex for housing my fishes until my ammonia went to 0, Mike for the future frag pack, and the biggest thanks to my wife Lisa for putting up with this build and allowing me to cut 2 holes in the wall.

Thank you everyone! It means alot to me to know I have friends I can count on.

One last thanks goes out to everyone here on ARC. Lets keep this place welcoming and full of knowledge.

looks amazing...congrats!

I dont know if you noticed though, you forgot to put the sand in. ;)

cant wait to see it in person.
man the tank is looking amazing! I cant wait to see it Friday. I may have a few things for you too :) Always looking out for my bud.
LOL. Very cool man. Thanks for looking out. It's coming along slowly. Now I just need time. Let the tank marinate and mature.
Looking good! Just think how much better it will look with sand!:lol2:
Thanks Chris. It's coming along. I have sand. It's in Mangrove land but it's in there. LOL
It is looking great!! Ya I am sure we can pull a few resources together and get you some sand for that thing. Heck, I will donate $20 to the cause personally just so you do not need to see your reflection in the bottom and scare your fish!!

Naw man, welcome back and glad you have been doing something productive with your time away (even if it was wasted listening to Lee on that no sand thing!)
you too Brandon will come over to the dark side....Bwa HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!