What is this on the LR?


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I'm thinking about purchasing some LR from someone and I noticed this green stalk on most of the rocks. Can some one help me figure out if this is ok?
looks like algae of some sort.

It's "OK" as long as you don't continue to feed it.
Might be bryopsis. If so, avoid it like the plauge that it is...
mojo wrote: Might be bryopsis. If so, avoid it like the plauge that it is...

Well, I guess I need some better pictures or something right. I was told that even if you pull on this algae it doesn't come off very easy. How would I know if it is bryopsis or not? Oh yah and they have snails in the tank and they don't eat it.
Does it look sort of tubular? IMO, from what I can tell it doesn't look like bryopsis. Just keep an eye on it over the next couple weeks. If it starts going crazy then that's the sign to pull it from the tank and start scrubbing.
If it's what I think it looks like, Ive had some in all of my tanks and it never spread any larger than a dime.
Good luck and keep us posted!
I agree. It is definately some sort of Macro Algae. do you have a tang in the tank? They should eat it.
tsciarini wrote: Does it look sort of tubular? IMO, from what I can tell it doesn't look like bryopsis. Just keep an eye on it over the next couple weeks. If it starts going crazy then that's the sign to pull it from the tank and start scrubbing.
If it's what I think it looks like, Ive had some in all of my tanks and it never spread any larger than a dime.
Good luck and keep us posted!

The only pictures I have are what you see. I'll make sure I keep an eye on it since I would like to nip anything in the bud right off the bat in a new tank.

kj_yoda wrote: I agree. It is definately some sort of Macro Algae. do you have a tang in the tank? They should eat it.

I don't have anything in the tank right now but do you think an emerald crab would eat this stuff?
did u just buy this of craigslist? I saw the same picture of this on there today.
Stroid wrote: did u just buy this of craigslist? I saw the same picture of this on there today.

I sure did, she lives way North Ga. but I'm meeting her at the mall of Ga. That a pretty good trip from Woodstock but I didn't think it was a bad deal. Plus I really wanted to try to drill the 10 gallon and try to create an overflow in it.... We'll see how that turns out.
I almost bought that myself but I didn't want to make a long drive...i check craigslist all the time great deals