What is this?

well if you dont want them ill take them off your hands and i have 2 friefish aswell in my big take with the nem i have and still have them
jgilley84 - I might keep them depending on the future circumstances.

I'm gonna stop by Kroger to get some shrimp to see if I can get them to eat. After I talked to the guy again, they have been in a cooler for about 2 weeks with the rock and havent really eaten anything. so i'm sure they are hungry
ok, i fed them three with small chunks of shrimp. two of the 3 have eaten it, i think the other one is just being slow.

also, i dropped some even smaller pieces(2-3) and the dragon sleeper goby decided he would dart out and snag one. that was an awesome site to see.

o, while feedin the nems, i dropped a piece and went to pick it up, i think i may have gotten stung but it wasnt all that bad, its hard to explain, but it felt like a small jolt of electricity was pulsing every few seconds after i pulled my hand out of the water, i didnt even feel it when i guess i got stung. what does this mean if it does mean anything.
Just keep an eye on it. Condy's have a pretty nasty sting compared to other nems...thats why clowns usually won't host.
eye on the nem? its still in the fuge away from doing any harm to anything except the amphipods that are residing in there.

or an eye on about where i was stung?

well, all goin well right now.
ah. ok, what should i look for? it looks and feels fine at the moment but again just want to be sure.
you said there are only 1" or so? maybe it was your hearter leaking bc i have hand fed mine every time he eats and never felt anything and mine is 6" when full but hey maybe mine is a nice guy good luck with what you do
well, i thought it may be that but i never felt it after that point but maybe it was just mad cause it aint ate for a good bit.

how often do you feed it?
lol i feed it 1 or 2 times a week but i did go like 2 months without feeding it before and he was fine when i tried to feed him