I will be honest...I don't know much about RO/DI units other than the fact water goes in....Goes through some filters and there are 2 outputs...One good water out and one waste line water out...Well for he past year I have had no issues with my unit and I have a plastic tank with a float to "shutoff" the flow. Well last week my TDS was not showing 0000 so I changed all my filters except for the membrane.... and now my TDS is back to 0000...So now to my problem....The waste line is constantly flowing water, not a lot but a steady flow, even when the float is enagaed and there is no more "good" water going into holding tank....This has been happening all week....What could be going on? I thought once the float reached maximum level the shutoff mechanism would stop all water. That was how it was before I changed the filters out...I must have loosen something up, but what?