What the heck is this?!

wantsummora acropora

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What in the name of John Carpenters The Thing is this??!! I pulled it off a frag. It looks like the bug Agent Smith implanted into Neo. Each tentacle was whipping around. I almost got my gun. If anyone has a picture of something worse I’d like to see it.


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I have those spaghetti worms in my sand bed. Occasionally, they’re floating around in the current of the tank. They must not taste good, because all the fish ignore them, lol.
Arrow crabs are the only thing I'm aware of that will eat them. Just not fast enough to control them IME. Had one for a while but had to sump it when it started trying to catch my fish.


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There are so many creepy hitchhikers in this hobby. Spaghetti worms among the creepiest. Shoot, even some of the critter we keep, mantis shrimp for example, are pretty odd. Sea apples too.
Wow, I had one of those back in the late 80’s. Thanks for reminding me. I remember mine secreting what looked like tiny black eggs from its flowery proboscis looking thing. Yeah, very weird.
Does anyone else spend an inordinate amount of time looking into their tank and saying ‘what IS that?!!’ My tanks started life with live rock so it seems to be a daily occurrence for me! I don’t know what the last guy was up to but suspect he was breeding aliens.

This morning it is long very very skinny and very white worms under my mushroom. Mushroom seems happy so do I do something about them?
So in my other tank just now I watched something 2/8” big, 3 sided pyramid shaped that swam to the surface like a jelly fish twice before resting on a coral.

I might change my mind about not keeping fish.
That would mean I would have to take the lid off and, pretty sure that might lead to a horror movie school girl error - or a scene from alien. Neither are good options. If we stay on our respective sides of the glass I’m hoping we’re cool.