What to do with Mantis?


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OK after listening and watching for a couple of months now I finally found the source of the "clicling" in my tank. I saw a Mantis today that looks to be about 1.5 inches. It looks dark (black) with some orange or red on it. Kind of striking looking no pun intended. Anyway I will be trying to trap him (inverted bottle method) starting tonight but need some ideas on what to do when I catch him. Please keep the suggestions humane!
Take him to the LFS. Post on here free to a good home. I had 6 or 7 in my tank several years ago in Dallas and always posted when I caught one and someone was always willing to adopt them. They're quite cool but need their own place!
I have been noticing a clicking in my tank too (like glass-on-glass) and thought it was the thermometer cut loose, but I'm starting to think it's a mantis.

What's the "inverted bottle" method?
I was told to take a water bottle and cut the top (where the cap screws on) off and invert it kind of like a funnel. Then put some frozen food in the bottle and place it near where the mantis lives. They say that they can get in but not out. Do this after lights out. I will let you know if or when it works.
Quick question....

I have heard that same sound from my reef tank. Could it be a Mantis Shrimp? If not what esle could it be?
if anything I'll take him if you get him out. Not too sure if this works for them or not, but I know it works for pods and other inverts, but take some red film, like red see thu laminate or something of that sort and cover it on a flashlight, most inverts cant see red so you can look in your tank and not have them scurry away.
Won't mantis shrimp go after other inverts like Pepermint shrimp, cleaners, and Banded Corals? I've seen some unexplained attrition in these categories.
sure enough i have the clicking in my tank to i probably hear it 2 or three times a day but i know it is a pistol shrimp because i have seen him so it could be either one mantis or pistol. He is pretty chill but hes only about an inch maybe less.
mantis shrimp I venture will go after anything if its hungry. They tend to eat crustations, but they will go after fish.
ah yes the salt heals the wounds. But to anyone who has one of these guys, i'll gladly take em off your hands if you dont want.
I had a well behaved mantis for several years. Never bothered a thing. I'm not recommending you keep it but some can be well behaved. If the bottle method does not work try taking the rock out of the tank (if this is possible) that he lives in.
fishwhisperer wrote: I had a well behaved mantis for several years...

Sally I know you're telling the truth, but that just sounds too "fishy"</em>! Seems there should be an oxymoron in there somewhere! :wow2: :yikes: :ahh: LOL

One of my favorite tanks was a species tank with a mantis. Next to my snowflake moray it had the most personality that I ever saw in a fish. I have another one (species tank) in the works (nothing but live rock at the moment). I would gladly take it and treat it well.

Pound for pound... The mantis shrimp may be the most feared predator that god has produced. To treat it with less respect that it has earned... it's just not right...

Of course, I have only had them when and where I was prepared :eek:

I'm sure this goes with out saying... but, don't reach in there and try and grab him..:lol2:
Well last night I did some investigating and I think mine might be a pistol shrimp. I have plenty of dead snails, but all my hermits that have died do not have any cracked shells. I heard the loud poping again right after the lights went out last night. Glad to know its not a Mantis, even though they would be an interesting livestock to keep.

But I do have a 8 inch bristleworm that I tried to capture again last night with a bottle trap and piece of shrimp. No luck, it came out for a bit but would never fully extend out of under the rock. Unless I pulled all the LR out I don't think I'll be able to get it out. Any suggestions?
flyingarmy wrote: Unless I pulled all the LR out I don't think I'll be able to get it out. Any suggestions?
It's definitely a bristleworm and not a tube worm? Best thing is to leave the trap out and stop feeding the tank for a bit, in my experience.
George wrote: It's definitely a bristleworm and not a tube worm? Best thing is to leave the trap out and stop feeding the tank for a bit, in my experience.

It's definitely a bristle...and thanks for the advice!
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