What to do with Mantis?

Leave him there. The bristle worm iwon't hurt a thing.

Your hermits are probably muching on your snails more then anything. If it is a pistol it's nothing to worry about and in reality much of what is stated here is true. Most of the hitchiker mantis are small ones that don't reach over a couple inches and will most likely only much a few of the cleanup crew every now and again with no real harm!

The only way I ever had sucess removing them was to take a 4" or so peice of 3/4" PVC. Rubberband a peice of mesh or pantyhose over one end (this is so you can see the guy go in later) and drill a small hole near the other end and tie a several foot long peice of fishing line to it. Put in a big chuck of raw shrimp and put the open end close to the mantis's home. Usually within about 15 minutes they would go in the tube then you just yank it quickly out. I caught 6 this way within a couple weeks. The inverted bottle trick never worked for me!

If you catch the bristleworm I'll take him! They are great clean up guys!
I also have noticed an occasional clicking sound since I added some live rock last week. Is there a different sound between the pistol shrimp and the mantis? Last night Kayla mentioned that the mantis usually does 2-3 clicks in quick succession, but is there any other difference? I also hear clicks when the seahorses snick something up, but it's usually a single snick at a time.
Mantis shrimp clicks can be quite loud if it is of any size. They don't necessarily do pops in quick succession. They can pop once and not pop again for a while, depending upon the reason for the pop. I don't know anything about pistol shrimp...are you sure it isn't the pistol that does the successive clicking?
the only thing that im sure of is that I'm a noob who doesnt know anything! :)