What Type Of Coral Is This?........ I've been looking for years! AND DON'T SAY GSP!!!


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Desperately Seeking Coral!

When I first got into corals, I found a guy on Craigslist (pre-ARC) in Lilburn that was selling frags out of his tank. I went to get a couple xienia frags.

When I got there, I was surprised to see that he had a fairly large set-up (40 gallon or so) on what looked to be little more than the bookcase unit of an entertainment center...... It was so inaccessible that he had not changed the filter wheels of two Penguin Power Filters in quite sometime (that's all that filtered the tank). I was shocked that he had a tank full of neon blue coraline, I'd never seen that before! (it was his lights I think, as a tiny piece of coraline on a frag I'd purchased turned a drab green under the CF lighting in my tank.) Great guy, and in spite of bending the rules of reefing a bit.... Obviously had a healthy thriving tank.

Anyway, I got my Xenia frags and he asked me if I'd be interested in a free piece of this other coral he had that was taking over one side of his tank. He said it was all shrunken up right then because he had his hand in the tank all afternoon, but would extend its polyps after a while of being left alone.

It looked a bit like gray, waxy flesh, but he cut a piece, told me to tie it to a rock and it would encrust.

Got my frags home and loved the Xenia, and tied the unknown coral to a rock like he'd told me, but was nonplused by it, as it didn't look like much.

The next day, it started extending the beautiful grass green polyps, and quickly became one of my favorite corals. I quickly grew bored with the Xenia, but always liked the fast growing no name coral I got for free.

Years later, it went with the set up I sold when I moved, but more than anything, I want to find this coral.....

Here's the best description I can muster.......


Long "grass-like" polyps that unlike GSP, grew and angled all in the same direction, rather than the polyps forming a star shape and did not have the round dot that GSP has in the center of each star

Grayish pink flesh on the top side when polyps were retracted, but a DARK GRAYISH RED on the encrusting side

When it fully encrusted the rock it was on, it would begin growing long finger like appendages that would grow out and slightly up. The top side would curl under, exposing less of the dark red encrusting side, allowing for more space for polyps to catch more available light and grow

At night, it would send out translucent sweeper tentacles that extended out quite far.......

It did well (enough) under CF lighting.

Very Hardy!

oh, and one other thing,

:shout:IT WASN'T GSP!:shout:

Can someone help me out? I've never seen this coral in a store..... But if I new what it was and where it was, I'd leave right now to buy a frag!

Please Help!

Thank you!
I had a coral similar to this when i first started. I was told it was dead mans fingers. i might can muster a pic.

And when you took it out of the tank to frag it, it got very, very slimy!

Thanks for reading....

winkkle;697415 wrote: I had a coral similar to this when i first started. I was told it was dead mans fingers. i might can muster a pic.

I can see how the name would correlate..... No way to best describe the unencrusted growth pattern without using the word "fingers"
i do have a pic but it would be extremely hard to tell. I would describe it as gsp "ish" with a pinkish gray mat and not as brightly colored green poylps that kinda look messy when extended.
Google image results really sux, and Bing ain't no better........

On the brightside, I know know what the fingers of a dead man looks like........
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they called it pacific encrusting gorgonian
this looks very similar to what i had

winkkle;697428 wrote:
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they called it pacific encrusting gorgonian
this looks very similar to what i had

Mine didn't have the dots..... I'm thinkin "no"

But thank you for trying.....


[QUOTE=][B]blind1993;697429 wrote:[/B] galaxia?[/QUOTE]

I thought it was Galaxia for a while, but the polyps OF Galaxia are more uniform and in a circular pattern. Also the coral I had, the mat was pretty much smooth or like goose flesh when polyps were retracted.......

Thanks though!
Heyitsmirix3;697481 wrote: I think you are looking for blue sympodium polypa

yeah i was gonan suggest this too...there are many colored clove polyps like this..i love them too..i have some purple ones in my tank now...they actually "encrust" with a mat that the polyps grow from
Hammcd;697487 wrote: http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=597+599+3082&pcatid=3082&cmpid=13cseYY&ref=XXXX&subref=AA&CAWELAID=915882793">http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=597+599+3082&pcatid=3082&cmpid=13cseYY&ref=XXXX&subref=AA&CAWELAID=915882793</a>

yeah i was gonan suggest this too...there are many colored clove polyps like this..i love them too..i have some purple ones in my tank now...they actually "encrust" with a mat that the polyps grow from[/QUOTE]

No, the polyps on the coral I'm looking for didn't have a flowery type head.... It was more like blades of grass.

Does Clove Polyps send out sweeper tentacles? I don't think they do....

Pretty coral though!

Thanks for the link!

Edit: :mad2::shout::mad2::shout::mad2::shout:

[QUOTE=][B]cbj25;697484 wrote:[/B] Gsp... :d[/QUOTE]
Scroll down to and look at the traveling gorgonia in this FS thread. May not be what you are looking for, but sounds similar. You would have to ask kirru about the closed polyp look.http://www.atlantareefclub.org/forums/showthread.php?t=61931&highlight=kirru">http://www.atlantareefclub.org/forums/showthread.php?t=61931&highlight=kirru</a>

Edit: [QUOTE=][B]IRahmatulla;697520 wrote:[/B] Scroll down to and look at the traveling gorgonia in this FS thread. May not be what you are looking for, but sounds similar. You would have to ask kirru about the closed polyp look.[IMG]http://www.atlantareefclub.org/forums/showthread.php?t=61931&highlight=kirru">http://www.atlantareefclub.org/forums/showthread.php?t=61931&highlight=kirru</a>[/QUOTE]

The encrusting gorgonian DOES send out long sweepers. Upon further reading it says they can have green/blue colors. Also, not picky about light or water movement, sounds like your ticket.
IRahmatulla;697520 wrote: Scroll down to and look at the traveling gorgonia in this FS thread. May not be what you are looking for, but sounds similar. You would have to ask kirru about the closed polyp look.http://www.atlantareefclub.org/forums/showthread.php?t=61931&highlight=kirru">http://www.atlantareefclub.org/forums/showthread.php?t=61931&highlight=kirru</a>


The encrusting gorgonian DOES send out long sweepers. Upon further reading it says they can have green/blue colors. Also, not picky about light or water movement, sounds like your ticket.[/QUOTE]

I've seen those, and wouldn't mind having a piece, but that's not it either......

Thank you for taking the time to link Kirru's fs thread here!
Galaxea is an LPS so it doesn't make a "mat".

I was going to suggest Daisy Polyps (similar to GSP but somewhat different) but what you're describing doesn't sound entirely like that either... or maybe?

that blue sympodium polypa looks good. does it glow under the blue lights like GSP does? does it look just like the picture does or what this photoshopped?

Thanks Jenn,

I think I found it...

Check out the two pics on this thread of RC;

I can't open the other pics on that thread, but this is the closest thing I've seen to it!
Clauvaria somewhat resembles Anthelia (Clauvaria often known as glove polyps).

If you google images for Daisy Polyps you'll find what I was referring to, but then again it doesn't 100% fit your description.

The first pic in that link was something dreadfully bleached...
