What Type Of Coral Is This?........ I've been looking for years! AND DON'T SAY GSP!!!

Yea I have like 2 feet of that stuff in my tank. I bought it as GSP but GSP usually has a white spot in the middle. This stuff has a grey/white mat and long flowing green arms. Grows super fast, like 1-2 inches a month.

The above pic shows the growth pattern I tried to explain in my original post.... This is what it looks like when it runs out of rock to grow on, and starts growing upward.

Look at the encrusting side of the mat, a dark red color... I think I've finally found it.

Edit: I bet it's typically sold as common GSP, but personally, this coral is so much prettier and grows like wildfire.

DB...... Seriously, wish you were closer than an hour away! I'd love to have a frag!!!!!
<fieldset class="gc-fieldset">
<legend> Attached files </legend> [IMG]http://atlantareefclub.org/boards/data/uploads/attachments/697619=33126-Briarium_sp_unencrusted.jpg>
class="gc-images" title="Briarium_sp_unencrusted.jpg[/IMG] style="max-width:300px" /></a> </fieldset>
the encrusting part looks a bit like this:

it was sold to me as a traveling gorgonia (non light needing afaik)

of course yours looks like GSP but i can hardly tell.. nice though. tagging along to find out what it is
It is NOT GSP!!!!!!!

GSP might, might be this coral's red-headed ugly step sister, but it is not GSP.

Oddly, I do not care for GSP, but really like this coral......

I really think it's a type of Briarium, with what little info I can dig up.....
i kno i kno.. but thats what i can see from the picture..got another pic with better lighting?
After looking at the pics you linked in the "i found it" that coral has white spots in the center of the polyp and looks A LOT like GSP. Just longer tentacles. The pic that shows it running off the rock and curling under itself, the smaller polyps in front show a star, this is exactly what my GSP looks like. I have new growth on like 3 sides and those are how the baby polyps look. You gotta realize that when it comes to the taxonomy of things, this very well could be a "type" of gsp, they are green, they have polyps and the smaller polyps resemble stars. You have been looking for a "not so common" GSP the whole time. HAHAHAHAHAHA
the "i found it" picture looks just like my GSP too...

side note: the blue sympodium on live aquaria only looks like that when my actinics are on by themselves.. My colony usually looks a bluish green, and only really glows when the actinics are on alone right before lights out..
side note: the blue sympodium on live aquaria only looks like that when my actinics are on by themselves.. My colony usually looks a bluish green said:
Cool. if it looks like that with the actnics on, i'm happy with that. all my corals only glow with actnics.
Ace of Spades;698482 wrote:
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Something like this? I believe this came from a pet shop in Carrolton that is no longer there. It was sold as GSP, but I don't know. It was GREEN, bright green, more color and better looking than any GSP I've ever seen.

I believe the coral I'm looking for it Briarium stechei, although they ARE all closely relaTED TO gsp, but with very subtle differences..

Those are some great GSP shots though.....