What's Your Lighting Schedule


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Let's share some informfor supplemental lighting.ation about lighting. I'm not going to be technical in describing my schedule. I chose simple so I could understand it. :) My reef is mixed. LPS/ SPS, a few polyps and shrooms. I have G4 XR30 radions over my DT using the Ecotech Coral Lab AB+ schedule. They come on at 9 AM using a one and a half hour ramp up. They are set to 50% intensity. The program provides the proper intensity and spectrum during the time the lights are on. They begin to ramp down at 7PM and turn off at 9 PM. For the past couple of years I have tried using a number of different lighting patterns with mixed results on coral growth. I lost quite a few SPS frags during that time. For the past two months I have used the AB+ schedule described above. My SPS has experienced their best grow spurt since this tank has been running. I will add that my lights are Mobius enabled and controlled with my phone. I use two Orphek Blue Plus light bars for supplemental lighting.

What lights and scheduling do you use? Feel free to post your schedule from your Apex or other controller.
Using the AB+ settings for the display tank (4 x AI Hydra 26). Also running 2 Orphek OR3 Blue Plus 150cm strips for about 1.5 hours in the afternoon each day. Hydra lights come on around 10AM and go off around 11PM. 1 hour ramp up and down. The frag tank (same plumbing system) is on an opposite light schedule with a little overlap. This helps narrow the PH swing a lot and also helps with temperature in the late afternoon by only running lights over 1 tank at a time. Frag tank is running 3 Orphek OR3 LED bars (120cm). Blue Plus, Day Plus, and UV/Violet. The Day Plus is only on for 2 hours each night to reduce algae growth.
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All my tanks run slight variations of the AI David Saxby schedule with T5 supplementation 4 hours a day, except for the pest tank which runs Reefbreeders reefnexus WiFi slight variation of the pre-programmed mixed reef which is very similar to the AI Saxby schedule but for deeper tanks.
I run my LEDS at 100% Blues & Violet, all other at 25%, but at 65% intensity. I start at 10pm with a 4 hour ramp up then 7 hour ramp down. But I’m keeping only LPS and zoas right now, I’m sure I’m change it when I get SPS going again.
I have a Radion xr15 Pro G5 running on my 50g cube mixed reef using their AB+ template at 68% intensity. I have no idea what my par is but this seems to be a sweet spot for my tank after some trial and error. They come on at 11 am and run till 10 pm but only about seven and a half hours of that is full light with the rest being sun rise and sun set with a heavier blue spectrum. I’m hoping to upgrade my light with the reefbrite XHO kit they make for the radions soon to help eliminate shadows. I’ve definitely gotten good growth using the AB+ spectrum.
I run a G5 XR30 Blue and 2 Orphek OR3’s (blue sky and blue plus). I don’t run any white channel in the Radion. I run very little cyan, red and green during peak times.

Xr30 - comes on at 9:45am and ramp down starts at 7PM with night cycle starting at 9PM

OR3 bars come on for 3 hours from 11am to 2pm.

No idea what my par is but it seems to be working for my tank plus the OR3 bars really help fill in the shadows the XR30 can’t hit.


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