What's your water change schedule?

10-12% every saturday... :) After my trip to the home depot today, I'll have to use 0 buckets in performing them too... :) I'm bucket adverse...
2 gallons of Nutri Seawater weekly in the Biocube 8.

2 gallons weekly in the 15.

Almost never in the 5 gallon Majano Farm.
I'm pretty impressed to see how many people do weekly waterchanges!

Keep the votes coming everyone!
10ish gallons a month on my 90, Im trying to move it to biweekly or weekly.
I do about a 10 gallon water change on my 72 bowfront, and a 2 gallon change on my 12 gallon nano cube once per week (but I don't beat myself up if I occasionally miss it.)
15 a week on my 210. I should do more because my bioload is high.

Am I crazy, or am I the only one who likes doing this type of stuff on my tank. Once a week, I get to tinker with water change, substrate vacuum, skimmer cleaning, prefilter change, clean the outside of the glass, wipe down the stand. Talk about OCD!
jmaneyapanda wrote: Am I crazy, or am I the only one who likes doing this type of stuff on my tank. Once a week, I get to tinker with water change, substrate vacuum, skimmer cleaning, prefilter change, clean the outside of the glass, wipe down the stand. Talk about OCD!
You are welcome over any time to clean/change water at my house! I want you to enjoy your passion.

I am actually OC, but still find this task a bit tedious. Looking forward to automating it myself.
Cameron wrote: You are welcome over any time to clean/change water at my house! I want you to enjoy your passion.

I am actually OC, but still find this task a bit tedious. Looking forward to automating it myself.

Yeah, automation has its place in my home too, top off, calcium reactor, skimmer drain cup.

I think I like seeing the "dirtiness" of the water I take out though, and having something clean after.

So, right after my yard is mowed (hint hint), I'll be over to clean your tank.
I'm not sure if I should be proud or ashamed or a lil scared... but I haven't done an actual water change in over 6 months going on 7 now. I add top off water and that's about it. I clean the glass, empty the skimmer, and prune the refugium whenever it looks like it needs to be done. I do skim wet though, about 1/4 gallon every 2 days. So perhaps that's like doing constant water changes... so that's what I'll answer :).
I try to do 10-15 every week to 10 days, I try for once a week, but occasionaly it ends up being closer to two weeks.

But I also have a tank full of poop factories, so i have to do frequent water changes.
on my 25g aneome tank I do 5g once a month

on the 15g reef, 5g every other week.
I recently read the most amazing article on water changes and I have been looking for it to post a link for everyone. Randy Holmes Farley is the greatest. :thumbs: He gets a little scientific and into formulas sometimes which makes for challenging reading but the end result is always worth it in my opinion.

I always thought that one big water change was much better than lots of small water changes to increase Ca, Alk, Mg, etc and to decrease Nitrates, Phosphates, etc. I believed this because each time you do a little water change and follow it with another small change you are not only removing the raw tank water but now are also removing some of the newly added clean salt water. Thus you are changing out good clean saltwater and wasting it with each change...
RHF says that the smaller or even continuous water changes are almost/nearly as effective. He gives lots of examples and even throws in some college math (Differential Equations or Dif EQ for you math dorks) to show off his impressive math skills and to validate his point.
At any rate the article is worth a read and everyone should find it useful.
Have a super day! :) :) :)

FutureInterest wrote: I'm not sure if I should be proud or ashamed or a lil scared... but I haven't done an actual water change in over 6 months going on 7 now. I add top off water and that's about it. I clean the glass, empty the skimmer, and prune the refugium whenever it looks like it needs to be done. I do skim wet though, about 1/4 gallon every 2 days. So perhaps that's like doing constant water changes... so that's what I'll answer :).

How do you maintain your salinity? The skimmer, especially skimming wet, will pull out salt water. If you only top off, your salinity will continue to drop and drop. What's your trick?
yeah....so mostly because of lee's nagging i do water changes every couple of weeks on both salt and fresh.....However, between hockey, tennis, video games, tv, movies, work, and planning a wedding......

well, sometimes I just dont get around to it.......my last water change (in all my tanks): two days before the superbowl (2-2-07). That's 1 month and 5 days.....

I have to do a water change.....

Question: if your parameters stay stable and your tank is well established.....how important is a water change really? (of course, right now I have fish only).
Panda is correct. Over time salinity in a system drops if you are removing water from the system. Just sticking your arm down in the water will cause some salt to be replaced with fresh.

There are some inorganics that skimmers don't pull out and water changes help dilute these particles. Also, water changes put back a variety of trace elements most people don't test for.