Starting to notice white spots on the LR and some brown diatoms on the sand. All the parms looked good and I did a water change/carbon/filter change. (55 gal tank, 8 gal water change) Tank temp has been steady 76/77. Tank already cycled a while back and was clear until a few days ago. My first thought was maybe too much lights? (tank is four months old now) I have a solarxtreme ho 448. 4x54.. 2 act and 2 10k. I had the ac's on from 9:30am to 8pm and the 10k from 10:00am to 12:00pm. Right now I have turned off the 10k and just run the ac from 9:30 to 8. Tank currently has some Xenia, a tomato clown and some Demsils. I also started to use some Purple Up to try to get things going. My questions.... I thought the 'rule' was to have 165 to 275 watts for a 55 gal tank? (3 to 5 watts per gal) With just two ac bulbs running, won't I be short? (2x54) I'm assuming I need the 10k's on with the ac to get the full watts for a photo period? Should I bump the temp up? I usually hit 76 as a low at night and 77/78 with the ac lights on.