Who is running MAG supp in their CA reactor?


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I was wondering who here is running a MG supplement in their CA reactor, what they are using, how they are running it, and how it is working?

I just picked up some Neo Mag from Brightwell at Creation's grand opening. I have not used it yet, but it is some kind of mag supplement designed to be added to a CA reactor and slowly released over time.
ares;309283 wrote: Arm media has mag in it...

havent had to dose mag in a few weeks since I brought it up to the right spec.

?? Where are you getting this info. It is generally believed (by me, at least:D ) That crushed coral in calcium reactors does not provide magnesium.
Right, and I think many Arag based medias do have some mg content, but lets say you need more.

Like anyone running dolomite? Or other such snake oils?

edit: Jeremy, I think the ARM media advertises itself on the package as having a higher MG content than some medias. I figure surley it has some in it, since coral skeletons obviously have some, but maybe not enough for most tanks. I'm not sure of its actual content though.
Im sure they claim that, but it is not practical, nor accurate. trust me. I have been dosing magnesium manually for a while because of this deficiency.
jmaneyapanda;309297 wrote: Im sure they claim that, but it is not practical, nor accurate. trust me. I have been dosing magnesium manually for a while because of this deficiency.

I have to correct mg levels in my system like once every two-three months, and I do that with Randy's 2 part recipe that uses a 7:1 ratio of Magnesium Chloride to Magnesium Sulfate.

But even then it is only a correction from like 1275 to 1300, low normal to normal.

I don't think ARM media can keep mag levels where they should.

But personally, I'd rather adjust it manually than risk mixing different media together. I suppose the mag media you mention could be placed in a filter bag or something to keep it separate.
I agree, as you have no way of monitoring how much is added except by guess and check. But i was wondering. It was a freebie, so I have to waste it.

Do you get your MgCl from BRS?
Actually, I bought mine from gettankedaquariums.com

The owner has some interesting theories regarding coral growth and requirements. He'll probably get you to try some of his brand of salt mix. Might be worth a phone call just to chat with him.