Why did you start a saltwater aquarium?

My ex-wife told me she wanted a saltwater tank and she didn't care what it cost - famous last words. After I dropped more money than I bring home in a year (I bought in pieces for quite a while) I finally started up the 120g. By the time I put water in it, it was more my obsession than hers.

She demanded I take the tank with me when I left, and I never looked back.
Aannnddddd, "HEY JACK."

I had salt water tanks, when having salt water tanks wasn't CCCCCOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLL....

Simple answer, no story...it's pretty. That's why I started saltwater.

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My father had one as a child. I always had freshwater cichlids. Thought it was time to start my own saltwater and did. Then got addicted!
Started when my wife said she wanted a fish tank, and I went to Walmart and purchased on of those 10 gallon kits. I became intrigued by the SW fish at Aviarium and now a closed fish store on the other side of Gwinnett Place Mall. Wasn't long before I was upgrading my tank and ordering frags off the internet from companies like Reef Science International. I still have a receipt from them dated March 1, 1996. Joined the first Atlanta Saltwater club, before the ARC even existed. Back then corals didn't have fancy names. Oh yes, my first protein skimmer was the infamous Sea Clone! I didn't even use RO water, straight up, good ole Gwinnett county water.

How the hobby has changed over the years. The money that I spent on this hobby I could have retired by now.