Why won't my blue tang eat?


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I got a small blue tang and he just won't eat. Had him since thanksgiving so I would have assumed he has got used to the tank by now.

He is so skinny I can see his ribs and I swear I can see through him now!

I have sea weed, reef frenzy frozen, new life spectrum pellets, and nutridiet marine flakes.

What else can I try? I got him from a local, well respected shop and they said he was eating great when I bought him.

I read someone soaked their sea weed in garlic? Anyone try that? I'll try anything.

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Do you have a bully somewhere in the tank? Something maybe stressing him out. List the fish you have in the tank. What size tank do you have?

Tried, didn't work.

Bully: orchids dotty back. Can't catch that dang fish to save my life. Anyone wanna come get it?

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I've read here at ARC that some members have fish traps. Maybe someone can loan the trap to you to catch the fish. Hoping the best for you.

I built the water bottle trap. Had him once, dang thing got out before I could get the trap out of the water!

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Here maybe a helpful link: http://www.atlantareefclub.org/forums/showthread.php?t=100099&highlight=fish+trap">http://www.atlantareefclub.org/forums/showthread.php?t=100099&highlight=fish+trap</a>

Here's another helpful link?
I've got a trap if you need to borrow one. Frankly, if they are less than 2", they can be temperamental in eating but I've never seen one absolutely not eat unless something is bullying it. I have dipped flake food in Garlic (found at any fish store) and they generally will eat that. Good luck.
Can I dip my sea weed in some regular crushed up garlic water?

Trap is in right now, but first light but I'm not home at that time.

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I wouldn't use crushed up garlic water. While the name of the product is Garlic Guard, I'm quite certain there are other ingredients in the formula.
try live/frozen brine shrimp. Feed it near a powerhead so it will blow throughout the tank. Easier to get him to start eating something first. Once he does, flake / dried seaweed will be better
Another member is borrowing mine. But, if you can't wait and don't mind stopping by, I can give you some a bottle of garlic guard.
Brett I may take you up on that tomorrow. I'll do just about anything to save him. I'm about to start taking down all my display rock to catch that little demon fish. I just don't want to damage what little coral I have!

I've been feeding a lot, all my other fish a very happy at this, but still I can't see him ever eat anything.

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